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嵌入式系统(Embedding systems):RTSS, RTAS, EMSOFT 计算机图形学(Graphics):SIGGRAPH (+Asia) 人机交互(HCI):UbiComp, CHI, UIST 高性能计算(High performance computing):SC, ICS, HPDC 信息检索(Information retrieval):WWW, SIGIR 逻辑和验证(Logic and verification):CAV, LICS 机器学习(Machine learning):NI...
* 相关: github.com/hrlblab/CS-M 人脸识别 2篇 * 题目: Vulnerability of 3D Face Recognition Systems to Morphing Attacks* PDF: arxiv.org/abs/2309.1211* 作者: Sanjeet Vardam,Luuk Spreeuwers* 题目: TextCLIP: Text-Guided Face Image Generation And Manipulation Without Adversarial Training* PDF: ar...
* 其他: Accepted in 15th IAPR Workshop on Graphics Recognition (GREC) 2023 in conjunction with 17th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR) 2023, August 21-26, 2023 San Jose, USA* 题目: A Novel Explainable Artificial Intelligence Model in Image Classification problem...
cs.CV, cs.CL CLIP is a foundational multimodal model that aligns image and text features into a shared space using contrastive learning on large-scale image-text pairs. Its strength lies in leveraging natural language as a rich supervisory signal. With the rapid progress of large language models...
We introduce MotioNet, a deep neural network that directly reconstructs the motion of a 3D human skeleton from monocular video.While previous methods rely on either rigging or inverse kinematics (IK) to associate a consistent skeleton with temporally coherent joint rotations, our method is the ...
master 1Branch0Tags Code README arXiv_Daily update arxiv papers every weekday, include cs.CV, cs.AI, cs.LG, cs.CL 关注微信公众号,每日按研究方向分类更新 计算机视觉每日论文速递[05.28] cs.CV 方向,今日共计83篇 【1】 Breast mass classification in ultrasound based on Kendall's shape manifold...
S. Mo, M. Cho, and J. Shin, Freeze the discriminator: A simple baseline for fine-tuning gans,2020. arXiv:2002.10964 [cs.CV]. 这个人脸生成模型,能够将正常的人脸照片转换成独特的风格,如Lee malnyeon,辛普森一家,艺术的风格,你甚至还可以试试狗! 这种新技术最好的地方,是它超级简单,而且显著优于...
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