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In the event, Arundhati Roy was arrested, and the Maheshwar Dam protest will duly "go around the world". And the name of the village of Sulgaon, on the banks of the Narmada River, and the fate that has been prepared for it, will spread far and wide. Sulgaon is one of the most...
She recounts the childhood events and experiences of fraternal twins in this book. The narrative continues by describing how the 'love rules' wreak havoc on their lives. Arundhati Roy's fiction books include The God of Small Things and The Ministry of Utmost Happiness. Power Politics, An ...
This article presents an interview with Arundhati Roy, author of the Booker Prize-winning book, "The God of Small Things." When asked about whether the Occupy movement should be defined by occupying one particular space, she says that the whole protest is not only about occupying physical ...
This chapter begins with a delineation of author and activist Arundhati Roy's feminist, eco-critical analysis of the processes and politics of globalisation, especially in India, in her journalism and in her Booker Prize-winning novel The God of Small Things (1997). One of the key dissident ...
Interview by Helena de Bertodano
Works discussed include the book "The God of Small Things" and the article "The End of Imagination."ChowdhuryShomaEBSCO_AspNew InternationalistChaudhury, Shoma. "Arundhati Roy-Princess to Pariah." New Internationalist. Oct 2010: 20-22.
Laying siege to empire: Indian author exposes deceit and danger of war on terrorism.(War Talk, by Arundhati Roy)(Book Review)Gordon, Neve
Arundhati Roy’s memoir,Mother Mary Comes to Me, will hit the stands in 2025.Hamish Hamilton, an imprint ofPenguin Random House, stated that Roy began writing the book “to make sense of her feelings about the mother she ran from at age 18.” ...