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The operationalization of the Sela Tunnel is poised to catalyze socio-economic development in Arunachal Pradesh. Enhanced accessibility to remote areas will likely spur investments in hospitality, retail, and other service sectors, creating employment opportunities and fostering economic growth. Loc... provides Comprehensive Information on All The Major Sectors of The State Level Consolidated Research Statistical Data of Arunachal Prades.
RESEARCH ARTICLE Climate Drivers on Malaria Transmission in Arunachal Pradesh, India Suryanaryana Murty Upadhyayula1*, Srinivasa Rao Mutheneni1, Sumana Chenna2, Vaideesh Parasaram2, Madhusudhan Rao Kadiri1 1 Biology Division, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research-Indian In...
The State of Arunachal Pradesh is part of the Himalaya biodiversity hotspots distributed over an area with the largest elevation gradients in the world, ranging from lowland tropical forests to alpine vegetation. The vegetation was surveyed along an elev
s own resources co-existing with high level of borrowing. The growing fiscal gap has put severe strains on the economic system. Starting with a poor base and getting further heated in the process of growth; the economy of Arunachal Pradesh is beset with scarcities of resources. The regulatory...
Arunachal Pradesh - Tribal, Autonomous, Himalayan: Arunachal Pradesh is a constituent unit of the Republic of India, and, as such, the structure of its government, like that of most Indian states, is defined by the national constitution of 1950. The gove
Arunachal Pradesh - Tribes, Culture, Religion: Arunachal Pradesh is home to dozens of distinct ethnic groups, most of which are in some ways related to the peoples of Tibet and the hill region of western Myanmar. More than two-thirds of the state’s peop