Arunachal Pradesh, meaning “Land of the Rising Sun,” long has been a recognized region of theIndian subcontinent, receiving mention in such ancient Hindu literature as theKalika-puranaand the epic poemsMahabharataandRamayana. Formerly known as the North East Frontier Agency (from the British colon...
The meaning of ARUNACHAL PRADESH is state of northeastern India north of Assam and bordering on Bhutan, China, and Myanmar (Burma); capital Itanagar area 32,269 square miles (83,577 square kilometers), population 1,091,117.
Given the strategic location of Arunachal Pradesh in the north-eastern corner of India bordering China and Myanmar to the north and east respectively, it can be developed as a gateway to Southeast Asia. Both the Central and state governments have been channelising funds on a priority basis to ...
Arunachal Pradesh - Tribes, Culture, Religion: Arunachal Pradesh is home to dozens of distinct ethnic groups, most of which are in some ways related to the peoples of Tibet and the hill region of western Myanmar. More than two-thirds of the state’s peop