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It is full of mountains and situated close to the Himalayas, which invariably makes Arunachal Pradesh an international border state — bordering China, Myanmar, and Bhutan. History of Statehood Day of Arunachal Pradesh The celebration of Statehood Day of Arunachal Pradesh on February 20 has its ...
theterritorywasimpressivelymarked"Arunachal pradesh". Infact,despiteyearsofSinoIndianborderhasneverbeen officiallydesignated,butthepeopleofthetwocountriesin thelong-termfriendlyprocess,inaccordancewiththe administrativejurisdictionofbothsides,hasformedarespect forthepeopleofthetwocountriesarethetraditionalline. However,... provides Comprehensive Information on All The Major Sectors of The State Level Consolidated Research Statistical Data of Arunachal Prades.
The people of Arunachal Pradesh follow terrace cultivation and they are also very much interested in breeding lot of yak and mountain sheeps. The same culture is also followed by another group of tribes living in the mountain ranges of the northern border namely the Membas and Khambas. The ea...
TheIndia-Chinaborder dispute covers the 3,488-km-long Line of Actual Control (LAC) of which 1,126 km is located in Arunachal Pradesh. China claims Arunachal Pradesh as South Tibet, which India has firmly rejected. Why did India lost to China in 1962?
The present study highlighted the state of climate change induced social vulnerability of the districts of Arunachal Pradesh. For the purpose of assessment of one of the most fragile ecosystems of the eastern Himalaya, the ‘Integrated Vulnerability Assessment Approach’ and IPCC’s definition of vulne...
Arunachal Pradesh - Tribes, Culture, Religion: Arunachal Pradesh is home to dozens of distinct ethnic groups, most of which are in some ways related to the peoples of Tibet and the hill region of western Myanmar. More than two-thirds of the state’s peop
Arunachal Pradesh - Tribal, Autonomous, Himalayan: Arunachal Pradesh is a constituent unit of the Republic of India, and, as such, the structure of its government, like that of most Indian states, is defined by the national constitution of 1950. The gove
Arunachal Pradesh is a state of India that constitutes a mountainous area in the extreme northeastern part of the country. Known as the North East Frontier Agency during the British colonial era, the area was part of Assam until it was made an Indian uni