The meaning of ARUNACHAL PRADESH is state of northeastern India north of Assam and bordering on Bhutan, China, and Myanmar (Burma); capital Itanagar area 32,269 square miles (83,577 square kilometers), population 1,091,117.
Arunachal PradeshArunachal Pradesh is one of the northeastern states of India. It is bordered by Bhutan in the west, China in the north and northeast, Myanmar in the southeast, and the states of Assam and Nagaland in the south.Map Directions Satellite Photo Wikivoyage...
A state of northeast India on the Tibetan border. Much of Arunachal Pradesh, which lies in the foothills of the Himalayas, is claimed by China as part of Tibet and was the site of a war between China and India in 1962. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Editio...
Formerly the North-East Frontier Agency special territory, Arunachal Pradesh became a union territory in 1972 and a state in 1987. A remote region, it includes part of the E Himalayas and extends through mountainous highlands to the plains of Assam. Its border with Tibet, disputed by China, ...
aJust attach the word "oil" to the disputed territories of Arunachal Pradesh and Aksai Chin and China will attack India without any provocation before sunrise. Chindia? I doubt it. 请附有词“油” Arunachal Pradesh争执的疆土,并且Aksai下巴和中国将攻击印度,不用任何挑衅在日出之前。 Chindia ? 我...
Or one can be more adventurous and venture up into the roof of the world via Arunachal Pradesh. These wonderful high mountains and lakes look so serene that it is easy to forget that in our times it is a possible flashpoint due to China’s claim over all the Tibetan plateau. That disput...
ARUNACHAL PRADESH (INDE) Ensemble de deux colliers. L'un en perles corail ponctué de pièces et grelots, l'autre avec des perles dzi et perles à l'imitation du corail. Poids brut total (seulement le collier avec pièces) :120 g Notes Anglais (English) Exceptional Asian Art Auction – ... provides Comprehensive Information on All The Major Sectors of The State Level Consolidated Research Statistical Data of Arunachal Prades.
Tensions between India and China flare on occasion, especially along India's far north-eastern border, along the state of Arunachal Pradesh. 紧张在印度与中国之间时有发生,特别在ArunachalPradesh州的远东北边界沿线。 2. New Delhi fears Beijing's territorial claims to the north-eastern...
阿鲁纳恰尔邦(ArunachalPradesh) ArunachalPradesh "ChineseArunachalPradeshregionofZangnan,Indiaisthe illegaloccupationofthearea,occupyIndiacalledArunachal pradesh". questionsofapoliticalnatureinone'spersonalhistory BelongtotheeasternborderbetweenChinaandIndia,anarea ...