Everyone in R14 WoW Classic WoW Classic General Discussion Glinda-arugal August 17, 2023, 11:09pm 113 Mootwo: this made-up stereotype roflshow post in topic Home Categories Guidelines Terms of Service Privacy Policy Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled...
Everyone in R14 WoW Classic WoW Classic General Discussion Glinda-arugal August 18, 2023, 12:14am 141 Asma: Pity you and others did not have a better experience Enough so that Blizzard is making some pretty sweeping changes, because it impacted their bottom line. Now, ask yourself, are ...
Everyone in R14 WoW Classic WoW Classic General Discussion Glinda-arugal August 17, 2023, 11:18pm 119 Asma: The hostage takers are scum and in my experience are few and far between. If they were few and far between, Blizz wouldn’t be making this change. 1 Like show...
WotLK Classic will have to end at some stage. Want to keep all those Classic subscribers? What’s next for the Classic project? Cataclysm is controversial, and the Azeroth old world goes away. It’s not a safe path forwa…
Classic+ blueprint yeah some good points about the plot there- the stuff about the original purpose of Karazhan really interests me. The Ashbringer stuff too. The story of Karazhan in TBC and Legion is really blurry and nonsensical to me, and doesn’t tie in with the plot in either of...
Either they are being willfully obtuse or trolling - all it says is that they don’t really understand our community in the slightest or how we want to play our classic experience. I encourage you all to ignore them. Do not give them the satisfaction and attention they are clearly craving...
Examples. At level 24 BFD is listed as level 19-29 dungeon. Suddenly at level 25 it is not among “specific dungeons” anymore. Similarly, Stockades is in range 20-30, but at level 26 it disappears from the list.
Hey everybody! We know that there’s a lot of excitement for Burning Crusade Classic, but we haven’t forgotten about the Classic Era servers. One of the defining features of raiding in Classic has certainly been the prev…
Ban RestedXP WoW Classic Cataclysm Classic Discussion Heydownthere-arugal May 8, 2024, 6:02pm 241 TSM profiles aren’t addons, TSM is an addon the profiles aren’t. Same for Weakauras, the weakaura themselves aren’t the addon.show...
Archmage Arugal is a former mage of Dalaran who lived within the ruins of Shadowfang Keep and was later raised from the dead. He is most notorious for having unleashed the worgen once more unto the world by freeing them from the Emerald Dream.