"使用CLI配置Trunkin terface gigabitethernet 1/25 switchport mode trunk switch port trunk native vlan为了确认端I设置是占成功,使用showvlan命令杏看: (aruba) (config) #show vlanVLAN CONFIGURATIONVLAN Name Ports1 Default Fa1/ 15、0-23 Gig 1/245 VLAN0005 Gig 1/25配置默认网关下列配置是指定移动...
0.0; ip=; mode=static; # Get Interface for second ArubaCX Switch Get-ArubaCXSystem -attributes mgmt_intf, hostname -connection $cx2 hostname mgmt_intf --- --- PowerArubaCX-Switch2 @{admin_state=up; default_gateway=; dns_server_1=; dns_server_2=0.0...
This option is recommended for rules that indicate a security breach where the blacklisting option can be used to prevent access to clients that are attempting to breach the security Example of a Policy to block access to controller (MasterNY) (config) #ip access-list SEssion mswitch-black...
EnterVLAN1interfaceIPaddress[54]:23 (输入内网没用的IP,这里为假设) EnterVLAN1interfacesubnetmask[]: EnterIPDefaultgateway[none]: EnterSwitchRole,(master|local)[master]: (在只有一台控制器的情况下一般我们把主控制器设为主)
ClearPass server IP address IPv4 address of the ClearPass server. Secondary server IP address Backup IPv4 address of the ClearPass server. Shared key Shared key of the ClearPass server. Authentication server port Authentication port number of the ClearPass server. Secondary authentication port Backup aut...
ClearPass server IP address IPv4 address of the ClearPass server. Secondary server IP address Backup IPv4 address of the ClearPass server. Shared key Shared key of the ClearPass server. Authentication server port Authentication port number of the ClearPass server. Secondary authentication port Backup a...
no muxport switchport mode trunk ip default-gateway interface vlan 1 no ip address no ip igmp interface gigabitethernet 1/1 no switchport access vlan interface loopback ip address "" (Aruba800-4) (config) # show ip interface brief ...
Check if the HTTPS is enable on the switch PowerArubaSW# show web-management Web Management - Server Configuration HTTP Access : Enabled HTTPS Access : Enabled SSL Port : 443 Idle Timeout : 600 seconds Management URL : http://h17007.www1.hpe.com/device_help ...
主要是匹配AP的MAC和IP,当然我用了个其它的字符。(Aruba7010_05_xx_xx) [mynode] #show ap database long AP Database---Name Group AP Type IP Address Status Flags Switch IP --- --- --- --- --- --- --- xx:1c:12:xx:23:xx default 225 Up 12m:44s
(aruba2500-xmu-2f) #show ip interface brief Interface IP Address / IP Netmask Admin Protocol vlan 711 / Up Up mgmt unassigned / unassigned Up Down (aruba2500-xmu-2f) #ping Press 'q' to abort. Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeou...