Aruba Mobility Controller Configuration and Deployment Guide
28、通电,它就会用某种方法查询主移动控制器,具体介绍见第59页“Locate the Mobility Controller”。通过Web UI你可以在控制器上看到已经连接到控制器的AP。依次点击“Configuration Wireless AP Installation”页面。图2-6显示了这个例子。图2-6 AP连接到控制器更新RF PLAN 在部署完AP以后,在RF PLAN中更新AP位置图...
依次点击“ConfigurationNetworkControllerSystemSettings”页面。 在Loopback接口下面输入IP地址。 点击页面底部旳“Apply”(你也许需要往下移动页面才能看到)。 在页面旳顶部,点击“SaveConfiguration”。你必须要重新启动控制器才能让新旳IP地址生效。 依次点击“MaintenanceControllerRebootController”页面。
1.依次点击“Configuration > Network > Controller > System Settings“页面。 2.在这一页上的“Loopback Interface”部分修改Loopback IP地址。点击“Apply”应用这个配置。 小心:如果你正在使用Loopback IP地址连接Web UI,改变Loopback地址将会造成连接中断。Aruba推荐你使用VLAN地址连接访问Web UI。 3.依次点击“Ma...
看完这章的介绍以后,你就可以配置AP,同样的介绍在第3卷里。 这章主要介绍了以下几部分: “配置的介绍”第48页 “配置Aruba移动控制器”第52页 “部署APs”第57页 “附加的配置”第61页 配置的介绍 这个部分介绍了典型的部署情况和任务,你必须把Aruba移动控制器和ArubaAP接入到你的有线...
Details about the different authentication methods are documented in the Aruba IoT Server Interface Guide. Connection management Server connections are established form every single Aruba Instant access point, in case of a controller-less setup, or from every Aruba controller in case of a controller-...
Instant. To learn more about Aruba Instant and for detailed configuration information, see Aruba Instant User Guide.Getting Started Unpack and Power on IAP Connect To connect the IAP to your network, plug in a LAN cable to Ethernet port (on the back side of the device). The Ethernet port ...
or in the WebUI navigate to the Configuration > Management > General page. Command Description aaa dns-queryperiod Configure how often the controller should generate a DNS request to cache the IP address for a RADIUS server identified via its fully qualified domain name (FQDN). ap spectrum loca...
[门Tunnelmo屯theIrafficisFon.Yard巳db口cktothecontrollerthr口ughthelP玩吐unncl. 广o己可ypt-Tunnel r B「1doc 、指定WLAN广播的频带(b/g/n/a),及WLAN的VLAN Spe(jijfy RadioType:and VlANforsangfor_wl; Sp已cifytheradiotypeon1Nhii:=hthis,SS.IDisav己ila|己,aswella: ...
Aruba VIA VPN客户端用户指南说明书 OUR COMMITMENT TO YOU To meet the unprecedented needs for remote connectivity in a simple and secure way, Aruba is offering evaluation licenses for use up to 90 days. Please contact your Aruba representative or support (TAC assistance: https://www.arubanetworks...