The boy sighed.How great would it be to live in the jungle and help people as a medical missionary. That dream stayed with Klaus through high school in his hometown of Weisbaden, Germany. As graduation neared in the late 1970s, he felt certain God wanted him to become a doctor and serv...
Read Full Post » Glory to the Newborn King! Posted in Christmas, Jesus, Praise, Salvation, Uncategorized, Worship, tagged Advent, Christmas, Hark the Herald Angels Sing, Journaling, Worship on December 1, 2022| 28 Comments » Some time ago, wise-and-insightful blogger Michele Morin (ov...
We can combat the striving as we embraceGod’sdesires for us—to lie down in his green pastures now and then, and not fill every minute with activity—to lead us beside quiet waters, and not struggle in a churning ocean of busyness (Psalm 23:1-3). (Receive)LOVE God has made it cle...
Twenty-one-year-old James Gribble, a streetcar conductor, scanned the avenue ahead, but his mind swirled with visions of the future. Life was treating him well in Philadelphia with its many amenities in 1904, compared to his hometown of Mechanicsburg, PA. What opportunities might lie ahead?
“Harsh plowing yields joyful, bountiful harvests . . . the believer ‘grows rich by his losses, rises by his falls, lives by dying, and becomes full of being emptied’” (Unknown)[4]. No doubt Rinkhart embraced those truths. He also understood: Gratitude to God nurtures hope in him,...
Throughout each day, we would do well to follow David’s example: “I’m thanking you, God, from a full heart. I’m writing the book on your wonders. I’m whistling, laughing, and jumping for joy; I’m singing your song, High God” (Psalm 9:1-2, The Message)....