Paul’s photography, short fiction and poetry have appeared in many magazines and journals including New World Writing, Waxwing Literary Journal, Pif Magazine, Courtship of Winds, Burningword, Evening Street Press, The Sun Magazine, Grub Street Literary Journal, The Montreal Review, The Metaworker,...
Here is my submission, I tested it's popularity on another submission based website. I haven't had any feedback (comments), but I would consider it's rating very positive. Here are two variations. First, with text: Second, without: Larger 1600x1200 versions and SVG source here:http:...
sometimes, minor amendments are needed to a design before the final go-ahead can be given. In recognition of this, our pricing allows for one or two minor amendments and re-proofing. Minor amendments include things such as changing a word, punctuation mark or colour. ...
"libvpx-vp9", "-flags", "global_header", "-movflags", "faststart", "-deadline", "good", "-threads", "1", "-b:v", "10M", "-an", "-sn", "-map", "0:v:0", "-map_metadata", "-1", "-map_chapters", "-1", "-y" ], "ffmpeg-twopass": true, "keep-files": true...
With no two the same, these easily identifiable characters have a retro feel and are reminiscent of late 90s and early 00s Internet culture. This, no doubt, adds to their appeal. Earliest NFT art and how it’s evolved. Blue-bust-against-bright- background Like many things that began on...
Artwork operates on two different levels: On one level there's artwork as a mode of expressivity, and then there's the other side, where the image is a construction that is meant to engage in a discursive field in order to preform a particular function. — Kerry James Marshall 21 For ...
In Chinese, the wordfuhemeans "in accordance with," but many people, even Chinese, don't know it was split into two words more than 2,000 years ago. The nounfurepresents the tally used to regulate the movement of...
Though their remarkable eyes are permanently shut, each vivid bright eye (they have two, they have twenty) follows you through a transparent scale. Your dragon always sees you even when you are alone in the world. From my dragon to yours, ...
One of Lichtenstein’s comic book takes on real life events is Whaam! This painting depicting the air force is comprised of two large panels. In the thought bubble it says, “I pressed the fire control… and ahead of me rockets blazed through the sky.” The work uses acrylic paint and ...
There are two types of artwork: photographs (halftones) and line drawings. Please refer to the grids below for guidelines on the appropriate file format for each. Include all line breaks and blanks for formatting and, if needed, color. Do not use the following applications: Harvard Graphics, ...