Artist: Mary Cassatt Subject: Bullfighting Art Form: Painting 6 votes Good art? 3 Bullfight Photo: Metaweb (FB) Public domain "Bullfight" (1865-1866) is a painting by French artist Édouard Manet. Artist: Édouard Manet Subject: Bullfighting Art Form: Painting 4 votes Good art? 4 Les Ar...
Mary Cassatt Catalog Sold Art Title: Nude – Study Sold Art Title: Nude, Elbow on Chair Sold Art Title: Onions, Copper Pots & Pans Sold Art Title: Self Portrait Sold Art Title: Stampede Sold Art Title: The Artist Alexey Steele Sold ...
Finest reproduction art and oil paintings of any artist. Affordable art for anyone inc Hotels, Restaurants, Offices and Interior Designers: Free Int Shipping!
Finest reproduction art and oil paintings of any artist. Affordable art for anyone inc Hotels, Restaurants, Offices and Interior Designers: Free Int Shipping!
Mary Cassatt Michael Ancher Pablo Picasso Paolo Veronese Paul Cezanne Paul Gauguin Peter Paul Rubens Pierre-Auguste Renoir P.S. Kroyer S-Z Raphael Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn Thomas Eakins Thomas Edward Lawrence Thomas Gainsborough Vincent van Gogh ...