The liberal arts. Arts Studies intended to provide general knowledge and intellectual skills (rather than occupational or professional skills); The college of arts and sciences Common Curiosities Can "Arts" include practical or applied arts? Yes, "Arts" can encompass both fine arts and applied arts...
有许多对财大不满的小朋友产生了大学教育应该是是博雅教育(即liberal arts) 的这个想法。 早期大学都是liberal arts的,直到近世才出现了德式大学,开始specialize。 分科招生的最早原因并不是出于功利,而纯粹是出于知识的高速增长所导致的钻研某一分科需要的时间加长,已无法在有限的本科时间内cover所有"不必要"的知识。
Focuses on the debate between the relative value of a pure liberal arts education and one that combines the liberal arts with professional arts. Other types of education; Appreciation of global economic, political and social forces; Learning above teaching; Leadership issues.Houston...
先说说为什么liberal arts college要叫liberal arts college。故名思议,在文理前两年不用定专业,也没有什么什么学院只分,想上啥就上啥,尽情探索直到找到自己所爱。我个人从开始就是一心想上文理的,因为进文理的人大多很academic很liberal,但对未来不太明确(美国教育是支持在大学里读两年再定专业的)。所以不像大u,...
Masculinity, Beauty, Strength, Elegance, Sexuality, Philosophy in Gay Arts : Painting, Photography, Sculpture, Music, Theatre & Cinematography
一年liberal arts结束的时候对自己的认知更新绝对是其实什么都可以学好的,擅长数理化/文史哲很可能只是一个social construct,小时候我一直英语语文很好,数学物理很烂,以为我是标准的文科生,但是其实上大学发现完全没有这回事,科学我也只要花功夫就可以做得好,写很不错的论文,上讨论课非常积极,读一串化学论文也能找出...
英语作文 Liberal arts students vs. 篇一One thing for liberal arts students is that they are either at a loss or understand it as a large group.A group like sewing needles solves the heart of dumplings.However,few people stop to think about it. The most important thing is to put it on...
从文理学院的英文翻译“Liberal Arts College”来理解,Liberal就是“自由主义”的意思。文理学院注重全面...
As you are starting your college search, the vast majority of schools you see will fall into one of two categories: liberal arts colleges vs. universities. You probably have a general understanding of the differences between the two, but the designations
中文"文科", 对应的英语词是"liberal arts" 日天的节奏啊[笑cry][笑cry][笑cry][笑cry][笑cry]