Arts management undergraduate degrees in 2021 Arts, entertainment, and media managementFine and studio arts management End of interactive chart. IPEDS On average, around 1,620 students obtain a bachelor's degree or associate degree in all arts management fields each year. In 2021, the most popul...
Offer实例: 二、普瑞特艺术学院Pratt - 艺术文化管理 Arts and Cultural Management 普瑞特艺术学院Pratt的艺术与文化管理项目成立于1995年,是一个为期两年的研究生项目,完成这个项目的学习需要修够48学分,主要针对的是那些想要在艺术、娱乐、传播及文化行业想要从事管理类工作的人群。 网页链接:
either in the form of work experience, prior education, or artistic practice. However, such experience is not a pre-requisite; the MAM program is a degree well-suited to anyone with an interest in quantitative skills and a dedication to a career in arts management. ...
management degree on the market. Meet all our international partners #4 among business schools in Canada #54 among business schools worldwide Among the top 50 universities in the world for alumni employability #6 among U.S. schools for internship ...
Reports that the Ca' Foscari University in Venice, Italy has launched a degree course in the economics and management of the arts. Need for economists competent in both administration and in the arts; Percentage of the world's art treasures found in Italy; Number of students initially accepted...
B.M.M. ( Bachelors Degree in Mass Media) Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) + Graduate Diploma in Retail Management (GDRM) Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) – Hotel Management 5 years integrated MBA course Fashion Designing ...
Hotel Management & Catering Mass communication Foreign Languages Diploma Courses If you don’t want to pursue a 3 or 4 year UG degree programmes then diploma course could be a good career choice for you. Diploma courses are offered in Engineering, Arts & various other vocational fields. ...
Master of Arts Management 课程已关闭 AQF9 级 澳大利亚音乐学院 The Australian Institute of Music CRICOS Code:039497D 课程类型:Masters Degree (Research) 查看学校详情 2025 总学费48,510 澳币 课程时长1.0 学年 (52 周) 概况 简介 [039497D]
Arts administration 什么是“艺术管理”
Degree BA Study Level Undergraduate Study Mode On Campus The Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Heritage Education and Arts Management programme aims to prepare students with the knowledge, mindset and skills required for the career demand in the fields of arts, cultural, heritage and museum educat...