Seven years after Congress was due to reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (also known for eight + seven years as No Child Left Behind [NCLB]), the lawmakers, suddenly and surprisingly, came through with a new act: Every Student Succeeds. President Barack Obama signed it ...
Opening Act Theatre Company provides performing arts education for all ages in and around Van Buren County, Michigan. We believe in the power of story.
I don’t care how many vampire films we’ve seen, I’m a Child of the Night, anAnne Rice,Stephen Kinglover. And yes, evenTwilight, baby. Vampires will get me through the door every single time.Empire Vlooks slick as hell, and I’m all for satire. Especially when it involves Russia...
While nothing in the No Child Left Behind Act says schools must eliminate the arts to concentrate on math and reading, arts instruction is shrinking or vanishing in many schools. Arts advocates say the arts are critical to a complete education. O, Say, Does Your Class Know the National Anthe...
Auction prices were once thought to be reliable indicators of an artwork's fair market value---defined by the IRS as "the price that would be agreed on between a willing buyer and a willing seller, with neither being required to act, and both having reasonable knowledge of the relevant fac...
Travel Education & Courses (626) Travel Human Resources (977) Travel Issues (589) Travel Management (20,244) Travel Marketing (5,780) Travel Regulations (641) Travel Reviews (168) Travel Safety (1,032) Travel Services (28,371) Travel Shopping (368) Travel Tech (2,455) ...
This article reports on the understandings and practices of primary teachers in implementing the arts curriculum since the 2010 introduction of National Standards in Numeracy and Literacy within the New Zealand Education system. The ever-mounting pressure on schools to perform to these standards has re...
THEIMPORTANCEOFARTSEDUCATIONANDNOTLEAVINGACHILD BEHIND MAJORPROFESSOR:Dr.DonaBachman DespitethefactthattheartsareregardedasacorecurriculumclassesintheNoChild LeftBehindAct(NCLB),itisstillregardedasasubjectthatisnotasimportantasmathor scienceinAmerica’spublicschools.Uponextensiveresearch,itisclearthatthisacthasmany...
Law on Education, these implement complementary activities to the educational process at all types of schools, including lyceums with the purpose to develop the creative skills of pupils in the field of science, technology,arts,sports, tourism, etc., as well as beneficial and pleasant leisure man...
a class that bringsin beauty, color and joy, and is not about testing.These subjects are often under threat either frombudget cuts or from the unstoppable demands ofacademic testing, but studies from neurosciencesuggest that arts education can play additionalimportant roles in how children learn.Pa...