美术系专业只有Fine Arts,算是视觉艺术(Visual Arts) ,而美术与教育(FA and Con-Education)有一些特殊,其实应该算美术与教育学双学位(con-education隶属于faculty of education),是女王特色的program之一,美术与教育的具体介绍会另有专文。学习美术教育会比学习视觉艺术多上一门教育的课。总体来说,就是视觉艺术专业...
Visual Arts, including architecture, sculpture, painting and photography categories. 触觉艺术包罗建造 、 雕塑 、 绘画和拍照等几个种别. 互联网 Art is also as birds'combination, belongs to the field ofVisual Arts. 丑术又称为造型艺术, 是属于触觉艺术范畴的. ...
Calligraphy is considered to be a visual art in a lot of countries. 书法在许多国家被认为是一门视觉艺术。 权威例句 Social stratification and cultural consumption: The visual arts in England Art Practice as Research: Inquiry in the Visual Arts by Graeme Sullivan ...
visual arts 例句 1.Calligraphy is considered to be a visual art in a lot of countries. 书法在许多国家被认为是一门视觉艺术。 2.Television titles in visual arts film is the art and design characteristics. 影视片头的视觉艺术是具有电影特性的美术设计. ...
visual arts “visual arts”的中文翻译 词典解释 固定词组 ph. 1. 观赏艺术,视觉艺术 相关词语 visualarts
visual acuity───[眼科]视敏度 visual angles───n.视界,[光]视角 visual cortex───视皮质,视觉皮质 双语使用场景 Set up game visual arts, digital visual effects and other professional direction.───设有游戏视觉艺术 、 数字视觉特效等专业方向. Meaning In The Visual Arts - Papers In and ...
matter in the visual arts, particularly the meaning of religious symbolism in Christian art. Art historical scholarship depends greatly on the broad experience, intuitive judgment, and critical sensitivity of the scholar in making correctattributions. An extensive knowledge of the historicalcontextin ...
visual arts 视觉艺术 the fine arts n.美术 household arts 家政学 associate in arts phr. 副学士 industrial arts n. 工艺美术 arts demand 工艺需要 faculty of arts 文学院 master of arts n.文学硕士 arts and crafts n.工艺 arts center 艺术中心 相似...
Visual Arts▶▶▶艺术装置 视觉艺术的表现形式对同学们来说也是表达自我个性,彰显生活态度的一次机会。 Visual Arts▶▶▶艺术装置HappyHalloween 而视觉艺术作品可以用任何形式来表现,技法不限,重点是内容形式结合的是否巧妙,通过同学们的作品可以看出每位学生的艺术...