Arts and Crafts Movement was an international design movement that originated in England and flourished between 1880 and 1910, continuing its influence up to the 1930s.(工艺美术运动是一场起源于英国,在1880—1910年年间蓬勃发展的国际设计运动,它的影响力一直持续到20世纪30年代。)Instigated by the artist...
The Arts and Crafts Movement is the name given to an international phenomenon that flourished in Britain, continental Europe and North America from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century. It originated in Victorian England, initiated by a group of theorists, architects ...
arts and crafts movement基本解释 n.工艺美术运动(19世纪末在英国兴起的一场运动,强调在机器时代手工艺的重要性和价值) 分词解释 arts文科 crafts工艺( craft的名词复数 ) movement运动 arts and crafts movement是什么意思 arts and crafts movement怎么读 arts and crafts movement在线翻译 arts and crafts movement...
+Add origin to My Preferences The Arts and Crafts movement was an international movement in the decorative and fine arts that flourished in Europe and North America between 1880 and 1910, emerging in Japan in the 1920s. Its artistic and social influences were strongly felt in Europe until it ...
The Arts and Crafts movement emerged in 19th-century England in response to the hardships imposed on workers under a growing factory system. Critics denounced the degrading conditions that labor endured as well as the shoddy quality of goods flooding the market. Calling for a revival of handicraft...
arts and crafts movement释义 常用 牛津词典 释义 美术工艺运动; 双语例句 全部 1. They had a marked revival during the Arts and Crafts Movement in Britain. 20世纪初的艺术和手工艺运动时期,藤架在英国再次流行. 来自互联网 点击展开全部例句拍照翻译 语音翻译 智能背词 下载金山词霸APP...
Arts and Crafts MovementThis article examines how members of the Arts and Crafts movement sought to lead the nation in its commemoration of the war dead. They advised the public to patronize architects, designers, and skilled craftsmen for the creation of simple, well-made artistic memorials or ...
工艺美术运动(Arts and Crafts Movement) 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 现代工业设计的先导。说它是一次运动,是因其影响波及面大,具有国际意义。18世纪从英国开始的工业革命,使机械产品渗透到人类生活的各个方面。与过去手工制造的产品相比,呈现明显机械化特性:有些产品的造型和装饰设计,仍照搬传统手工业产品的样式,...
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