爱给网提供海量的英国街景照片库 (cc协议)资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为jpg 格式的工艺美术馆(Arts and Crafts House), 本站编号48610875, 该英国街景照片库 (cc协议)素材大小为133k, 分辨率为627 x 640, 许可范围为可商用,署名,协议名称为CC署名-相同方式共享2.0, 作者为David Ballard, 更多精彩英国街景照片...
Arts and Crafts House建于20世纪初,是典型的联邦式住宅。华丽的细节、优雅的曲线和舒适的尺度的反映了...
Arts and Crafts House AP Design House and Hampton Architecture Arts and Crafts House建于20世纪初,...
The 2025 Arts & Crafts Homes Annual Resource Guide It's here! Our annual resource guide has over 473 trusted sources for kitchens, cabinets, pottery, wall treatments, tile, lighting, furniture, housebuilding, and more for the unique Arts & Crafts home. Sprucing Up a Bungalow Backyard A ...
When Victoria and David left London for Surrey they had no idea that such a wonderful home was just around the corner, down a pretty leafy lane. An expansive Arts & Crafts house, with more than a touch of Betjeman about it, it just needed their personal touch to turn it into something...
The Craft House runs expert-led arts and crafts workshops as well as selling a carefully curated selection of handmade art and gifts. Bringing people together with a love of arts and crafts.
New Arts and Crafts: The Cool and Contemporary House Shows a Twist on a Traditional StyleThough both houses have Craftsman-style character, this interior reflects and redefines the...Bertelsen, AnnWhiteley, Peter OBowling, Mary Jo
Arts & Crafts House Styles Yorke, Trevor 著 更新时间:2019-01-02 21:15:54 开会员,本书8折购 >最新章节: Index英文图书 Self-Help(励志自助) TheArts&CraftsmovementbeganasaninstinctivereactiontothenewIndustrialAge.Seekingareturntosimplecraftsmanship,withtraditionalmaterials,itsinfluencespreadbothtoEuropeand...
Arts & Crafts: Variety of Materials Often a mixture (usually traditional) of stone, brick, wood and thatch to show texture; and emphasised internally with rich surfaces. View as Sort by Millbank residence, Santa Monica, California RIBA3165-42 The Ferry Inn, Rosneath, Strathclyde RIBA5945 ...