The pieces are baked using three methodologies. The black ceramics are fired in a kiln at a temperature which is elevated to 900℃, then naturally lowered to 500~600℃. I then take fully soaked pine tree leaves and pour them at the opening of the kiln to seal it and smoke the black c...
•Korean Art(c.3,000 BCE onwards) Characteristics, history, development of arts and crafts in Korea. •Chinese Buddhist Sculpture(c.100-present) Characteristics, history, statues. •Angkor Wat(c.1115-1145) Architecture and sculpture of Khmer Temple in Cambodia. ...
The traditional visual arts and crafts of later periods in Chinese history are typically divided as follows: - Song Dynasty arts (960-1279) - Yuan Dynasty culture (1271-1368) - Ming Dynasty art (1368-1644) - Qing Dynasty arts (1644-1911) For more about the visual arts of other ancient ...
After presenting the three main artistic avant-garde movements of the first half of the XX century, in this section I will focus on the artistic scene connected to the second wave of Feminism, which began in the sixties and flourished through the seventies. The theoretical contribution of ...
This article aims to reassemble a feminist genealogy of the posthuman in the arts, with a specific focus on the visual works conceived by female artists after the rise of what has been retrospectively defined as first-wave Feminism. Starting with the mai
After presenting the three main artistic avant-garde movements of the first half of the XX century, in this section I will focus on the artistic scene connected to the second wave of Feminism, which began in the sixties and flourished through the seventies. The theoretical contribution of Femini...
my artistry on stage and now trust my vision as an administrator. These individuals not only have the enormous generosity to donate to these organizations, but most importantly they have the commitment to help artists grow in their crafts and understand the importance of the arts in our society...
Kamisaka Sekka was active in both painting and crafts. This fine catalogue show many examples of his paintings along with beautiful screens, lacquer work, painting on ceramics. 274 exhibits are shown from both Japanese and western public and private collections. Illustrated throughout in colour and...
Masters of Chinese Arts and Crafts: Gu Jingzhou: Purple Clay Pot. 中國工藝美術大師 : 顧景舟 . 高振宇 等著. Nanjing, 2010. 160 pp. Colour plates throughout. 28x21 cm. Wrappers. £30.00 The life and work of China's most famous modern Yixing potter. Introductions in English. Main text...
The 12 highly-detailed chapters by various scholars cover the Five Dynasties, the Southern Kingdoms that flourished between the Tang and Song, the founding and consolidation of the Song Dynasty, chapter-by-chapter accounts of the reigns of the Northern Song emperors, the fall of the Northern ...