The jungle is creatively brought to life by the 40 talented cast members and staff in the KVTA Studios and includes lots of audience participation to give everyone a taste of jungle life up close. The story follows the journey of Mowgli (played by Liam Johnson, of Bourbonnais), a boy, or...
Situated on the historic site of the old Hollywood Road Police Married Quarters, the PMQ is a mixed-use arts and design venue comprising exhibition spaces, studios, shops and offices for creative enterprises. The venue showcases a wide array of handcrafted products, including fashion and accessori...
Italian cosmetic manufacturer, ArtCosmetics, has announced its goal to reach $210 million by 2022. According to ArtCosmetics, its business has doubled in dollar growth since 2015—$52.6 million to $108.7 million. The company currently has 280 customers in 29 countries and plans to op...