Print 524 Print Arts and Crafts Art Gallery 524 Hockney goes immersive and Laurie Anderson gets apocalyptic in Manchester Creative Boom JULY 11, 2024 David Hockney - Lightroom courtesy of the Artist A David Hockney art show based on digital projection and a Laurie Anderson premiere examining 21st...
According to Hockney, the real subject of the painting is the split second of the splash, frozen forever on the canvas. Hockney chose to use acrylic paint for the splash series. He was one of the first artists to make extensive use of this medium, which fits perfectly with his workflow:...
Great British Paintings from American Collections: Holbein to Hockneyby Malcolm Warner, Robyn Asleson – Paperback: 272 pages; Yale Center for British Art (Oct 1, 2001) Outside Britain itself, the richest holdings of British art are found in American collections. This extraordinary presentation of...
Her latest series, "InpAired by CalifornIA", explores the intersection of traditional art and AI. Inspired by her Californian surroundings and influenced by David Hockney's embrace of new media, de Valmy creates artworks that combine her photographs or sketches with AI-generated images, blending ...
David Hockney 19 artworks Jasper Johns 18 artworks Alex Katz 41 artworks Roy Lichtenstein 29 artworks Roberto Sebastian Matta 32 artworks Henri Matisse 13 artworks Robert Motherwell 29 artworks Brice Marden 2 artworks Claes Thure Oldenburg 13 artworks Robert Rauschenberg 38 ...
British artistDavid Hockney, 86, ranked 3rd with US$175mn, up 105% from the previous year. Of the 820 Hockney works sold last year, the most expensive was his 1969 landscape Early Morning, Sainte-Maxime. Hockney lives in Yorkshire, London and California. Known as the "Godfather of British...
In Sayre Gomez’s photorealist paintings of Los Angeles, the same mountains and expansive skies that fascinated Ed Ruscha and David Hockney preside over the city’s less romantic features: strip-mall nail salons, junkyards, parking lots. For the artist, these sites capture the overlooked beauty...
and part of popular culture – remain dominant. Artists on this year’s Turner shortlist may hate the thought that they are YBAs but they really are, in their high valuation of youth and pop. If we are all Thatcherites now, our artists are definitely all YBAs. Except for David Hockney....
parrish used photographic techniques as an optical tool – as did many painters – possibly all the way back to renaissance times [according to david hockney]. another thing i find fascinating is leyendecker’s hands – sometimes hidden away, but usually embarrassingly in-your-face or caught-...
Hockney never seems to stop thinking about work. He takes iPad images of his current paintings to bed, so he can look at them and know “what to do straight away” the next morning. Painting is Hockney’s be-all and end-all. Our interview is regularly punctuated by his smoker’s laugh...