because that would just be ridiculous. They're one of my favorite bands. But it's funny to even say that, considering we just toured with Guns N' Roses and that was just like a ridiculous pie in the sky, impossible, never-gonna-happen dream. So you ...
because that would just be ridiculous. They're one of my favorite bands. But it's funny to even say that, considering we just toured with Guns N' Roses and that was just like a ridiculous pie in the sky, impossible, never-gonna-happen dream. So you ...
because that would just be ridiculous. They're one of my favorite bands. But it's funny to even say that, considering we just toured with Guns N' Roses and that was just like a ridiculous pie in the sky, impossible, never-gonna-happen dream. So you ...
It was interesting to see how some bands climbed the ranks year by year. For example, Phoenix started as a low-billed band in 2006, moved their way up to a better slot in 2010, and headlined in 2013.Some bands don’t move up or down over the years and end up in the same ...