When was Zyklon B first used in the Holocaust? When was the first Civil War battle? When was the first bullet train invented? When was guerrilla warfare used? When was the First Battle of Fallujah? When did Austria-Hungary enter WW1?
Combat support activities, including the field artillery, were located in the rear where they were used to engage the enemy forward of this “front line”. Due to the unconventional nature of the conflict in Vietnam, it was clear that new field artillery techniques would need to be developed...
and even firing them, but apparently he was attached to the Service Battalion. I'm not certain if that means they are attached to each other or used independently.
As experience began to dictate function, the tank later became the critical spearhead of Allied offensives in breaking down enemy defenses - evolving into the showcase piece for land campaigns today. Today the Main Battle Tank (MBT) remains the culmination of work that began with the ungainly ...
What colours to use and in what patterns, was left to the units themselves. And this in turn often depended on what front the equipment was employed. A gun used in Champagne, were the earth was very bright, almost white, was camouflaged with a much lighter colour, than a gun used, ...
used by Blitz confusing me even further as to its identity. The jacket is correct for an artillery man of the period in terms of cut, length and detail, but I again question the colour of the jacket shown on the Blitz artwork. I do like the braces showing attached to the trousers as...
However, while the German “88” was famous as an anti-tank gun and the armament for some of the most feared German tanks, the 3.7 inch AA gun was rarely used in that role. Given the reverses that the British army suffered against Rommel’s Panzers in North Africa, this, in retrospect...
The Russo-Turkish War of 1877–1878 was the next crisis that threatened the peace between Russia and Britain, resulting in new batteries being built on Kuninkaansaari and older ones improved or rebuilt. New technology in the form of telegraph, railway lines and searchlights began to be used. ...
The Russians had built three railway guns , using guns from the sunken battleship Imperatritsa Mariya, which had been lost to a magazine explosion in Sevastopol harbor in October 1916. They were used in the Soviet-Finnish war in 1939-1940. In June–December 1941 they took part in the defe...