Church’s Thesis for Turing Machine. GeeksforGeeks. Piccinini, G. (2004). The first computational theory of mind and brain: A close look at Mcculloch and Pitts’s “Logical calculus of ideas immanent in nervous activity”. ...
Deep Learningis a subset of Machine Learning that includes the artificial neural network and the recurrent neural network. It uses algorithms and its approach to tackle any complicated issues. The algorithms are constructed in the same way as machine learning. However, there are ma...
GeeksforGeeks. 2020 [cited 2024 Mar 15]. Apte S, Falbriard M, Meyer F, Millet GP, Gremeaux V, Aminian K. Estimation of horizontal running power using foot-worn inertial measurement units. Front Bioeng Biotechnol [...
I have just finished reading the recently published diatribe You Are Not a Gadget: a Manifesto, by one Jaron Lanier (Alfred A. Knopf, NYC, 209 pp., 2010). You may have seen the polymath Lanier giving yet another obscure interview on YouTube or heard him at one of the many conferences...
In his brief and somewhat obscure preface, Lanier writes--if that is the correct description for this almost incomprehensible geek-speak or portentous inarticulation--that his "words will mostly be read by nonpersons--automatons or numb mobs composed of people who are no longer acting as ...
For those wishing to delve deeper into the development of machine learning models, a good source of information is the book by Müller and Guido [9] and the website ( AI Applications in ...
The theme for the first year is “Enriching Lives with AI Innovation” to foster human-centric, responsible AI. This festival will bring together geeks, problem-solvers, future developers, innovators and policymakers. Student innovators and developers with an existing AI innovation or an AI ...
Bengaluru, December 21st, 2023: Global markets are witnessing a raise in demand of AI-trained professionals. Leading Indian IT companies have also lately made the decision to train more than 4 lakh workers for jobs involving AI. Understanding this indus...
Intelligent PID, controller, expert controller, neural network controller, hybrid/integrated intelligent control system, hierarchical control system, artificial neural network control system, fuzzy control system, learning control system, etc; knowledge engineering ...
Gathering of Big Names to Discuss the Changes Brought by the Latest Technology Although the concept of artificial intelligence is hot, the specific empowerment of artificial intelligence in all walks of life cannot be accomplished at one stroke...