“ 2017年7月12日,新美国安全中心发布《人工智能与国家安全》报告,分析了人工智能技术对国家安全的潜在影响,并提出了3点目标和11个发展建议,主要内容编译如下: ” 过去5年,人工智能(AI)领域研究取得了重大技术进展,远超出此前的预期,这主要得益于机器学习子领域的快速发展。大多数业内专家相信AI将持续甚至加速进步。
Artificial intelligence (AI) is used across an increasingly wide range of sectors. Given its transformative potential, AI carries profound implications in a national security context, especially as regards increasing countries' military advantage. The key leaders in AI development, and at the same ...
business executives, and academic leaders, the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence (NSCAI) is delivering an uncomfortable message: America is not prepared to defend or compete in the AI era. This is the tough reality we must face. And it is this reality that demands ...
intelligence artificial security national military semiautonomous ArtificialIntelligenceandNationalSecurityUpdatedNovember21,2019CongressionalResearchServicehttps://crsreports.congress.govR45178ArtificialIntelligenceandNationalSecurityCongressionalResearchServiceSummaryArtificialintelligence(AI)isarapidlygrowingfieldoftechnologywithpo...
Artificial Intelligence and National Security Updated November 21, 2019 Congressional Research Service https://crsreports.congress.gov R45178 Artificial Intelligence and National Security Summary Artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly growing field o
artificial intelligence on US national security mainly lies in three aspects: Firstly, AI is a core variable that will influence and shape the future of US national security in that it can enhance the US position in the international power distribution, bridge and remedy the division and disorder...
A top CIA official is warning of the potential threat that China’sartificial intelligence programsmay pose to U.S. national security, as the agency also seeks to deploy the tech in a way that is beneficial to the U.S. Lakshmi Raman, the CIA’s director for artificial intelligence, said...
Summary: The “National Priorities for Artificial Intelligence” RFI The RFI adopts a cautious stance on the potential of AI, reasoning that while the technology may “improve the lives of the American people and solve some of the toughest global challenges,” AI also poses “serious risks to ...
On the basis of application, the Artificial Intelligence in Security, Public Safety & National Security market is segmented into: Finance Law Cyber Security Defense/Military Mass Transportation Critical Infrastructure Type Synopsis: Hardware Software ...
T H E N AT I O N A L S E C U R I T Y C O M M I S S I O N O N A R T I F I C I A L I N T E L L I G E N C E Final Report National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence p 2 COMMISSION MEMBERS Eric Schmidt Chair Safra Catz Steve Chien Mignon Clyburn