请教各位大神,求助EngineeringApplicationsofArtificialIntelligence的latex模板,我在网上找了好几个不知道哪个是了。 论文投稿 投稿求助
Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence is providing Overleaf Professional features for all students, faculty and staff who would like to use a collaborative, online LaTeX editor for their projects. Overleaf Professional features include real-time track changes, unlimited collaborators, and...
Template for International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence - IJPRAI. Downloaded from the IJPRAI homepage.
Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence is providing Overleaf Professional features for all students, faculty and staff who would like to use a collaborative, online LaTeX editor for their projects. Overleaf Professional features include real-time track changes, unlimited collaborators, and...