Artificial Intelligence and Policing: Hints in the Carpenter DecisionIn the 2018 Carpenter case, Chief Justice Roberts focuses on the quality of the information sought by the police as a means of deciding the case in Carpenter'sSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
With the innovation in technology and rapid expansion of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the research in the field of CPPA has evolved radically to predict crime efficiently. While the number of publications is expanding substantially, we believe there is a dearth of thorough scientometric analysis for...
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a vast technology used in the education sector. Several types of AI technology are used in education (Nemorin et al.,2022). Majorly includes Plagiarism Detection, Exam Integrity (Ade-Ibijola et al.,2022), Chatbots for Enrollment and Retention (Nakitare and Oti...
The emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and its progressively wider impact on many sectors requires an assessment of its effect on the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. Using a consensus-based expert elicitation process, we find that AI can enable the accomplishment of 134 targe...
Artificial Intelligence and Analytics Services Deloitte’s AI and Analytics services combines end-to-end AI solutions with domain and industry insight to harness the power of human-machine collaboration. Its more than 27,000 practitioners focus on the four pillars that deliver powerful outcomes: ...
Artificial intelligence is playing an increasingly larger role in all sectors of society, and that includes policing. Many police departments are already usingJoh, Elizabeth ESocial Science Electronic PublishingJoh EE. Artificial Intelligence and Policing: First Questions....
Find the latest news, trends and expert insights on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in security and surveillance. AI is becoming a vital tool for the security industry.
Prior research has shown that artificial intelligence (AI) systems often encode biases against minority subgroups. However, little work has focused on ways to mitigate the harm discriminatory algorithms can cause in high-stakes settings such as medicine.
ARTICLE OPEN Impact of artificial intelligence on human loss in decision making, laziness and safety in education Sayed Fayaz Ahmad1✉, Heesup Han 2✉, Muhammad Mansoor Alam3, Mohd. Khairul Rehmat4, Muhammad Irshad5, Marcelo Arraño-Muñoz6 ...
The project is one compelling example of the growing utility of artificial intelligence, which came of age in 2024 with the Nobel committee recognizing AI’s development and application in science for the first time: Thephysics prizerecognized John Hopfield and Geoffrey Hinton for their fundamental ...