As Artificial Intelligence (AI) becomes pervasive in healthcare, including applications like robotic surgery and image analysis, the World Medical Association emphasises integrating AI education into medical curricula. This study evaluates medical students' perceptions of 'AI in medicine', their preferences...
As Artificial Intelligence (AI) becomes pervasive in healthcare, including applications like robotic surgery and image analysis, the World Medical Association emphasises integrating AI education into medical curricula. This study evaluates medical students’ perceptions of ‘AI in medicine’, their preferenc...
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine的影响因子涨涨涨,实时影响因子7.5分,以及未来几年还会上涨,晋升、评职称都够格。 03发文量、自引率 Artificial Intelligence in Medicine的年发文量并不多,基本在150篇以内。有一定的投稿难度,审核可能比较严格。国人发文占比16%。 期刊自引率数值很低,最新自引率2.7%。 文章方...
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine ☑️出版社:Elsevier☑️ISSN:0933-3657eISSN:1873-2860☑️影响因子:7.5☑️期刊分区:JCR1区,中科院1/2区(TOP)☑️检索数据库:SCIE & Scopus 在检☑️出刊频率:月刊,1年12卷,1卷1期,最新一期Volume 146 In progress (December 2023)☑...
medicine cabinet, medicine chest 药品箱 相似单词 intelligence n. 1.[U]学习、理解和推理的能力,智力,脑力 2.[U]情报,信息(尤指有军事价值的),[作定语](the government's Secret Intelligence Servic Intelligence 情报早期情报两字只备用来当成各国政府的间谍往来消息代名词,或者军事上的消息,然而现在也演变...
Artificial intelligence (AI) in digital technology has made important advancements in a wide range of industries, including gaming, mathematics, education, natural language processing, computer vision, robots, and medical. The topic of this chapter is health care, a still evolving and one of, if ...
artificial intelligence in medicine 英 [ˌɑːtɪˈfɪʃl ɪnˈtelɪdʒəns ɪn ˈmedsn] 美 [ˌɑːrtɪˈfɪʃl ɪnˈtelɪdʒəns ɪn &#...
医学中的人工智能(Artificial Intelligence In Medicine)是一本由Elsevier出版的一本工程技术-工程:生物医学学术刊物,主要报道工程技术-工程:生物医学相关领域研究成果与实践。本刊已入选来源期刊,该刊创刊于1989年,出版周期Monthly。2021-2022年最新版WOS分区等级:Q1,2023年发布的影响因子为6.1,CiteScore指数15,SJR指数1....
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN MEDICINE ISSN:0933-3657 E-ISSN:1873-2860 分区:中科院2区;JCR:Q1 影响因子:5.326 检索类型:Article 检索情况:SCI检索 语种:英语 审稿周期:约3个月左右 出版商:Elsevier 2021年12月发布的2021版:不在预警名单中 收录数据库: ...