《Artificial Intelligence in Finance》(AI金融, by Yves Hilpisch)台湾谢承熹Chenghsi Hsieh老师中文讲解,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
Jupyter Notebooks and code for the book Artificial Intelligence in Finance (O'Reilly) by Yves Hilpisch. - yhilpisch/aiif
The perils of artificial intelligence in academic publishingYves Gendron aJane Andrew bChristine Cooper c
With the help of artificial intelligence and machine learning, beauty and cosmetics companies are exploring the possibilities. This article intends to provide business leaders in the beauty, skincare, and cosmetics space with an idea of what they can currently expect from AI in their industry. ...
Big Data (BD) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) play a fundamental role in today’s economy that traditional economic models fail to capture. This paper presents a theoretical conceptualisation of the data economy and derives implications for digital governance and data policies. It defines a hypothet...
Demazeau, YvesDEMAZEAU, Yves. Distributed Artificial Intelligence & Multi-Agent Systems. In: X Simposio Brasileiro de Inteligencia Artificial. Anais. Porto Alegre: II/UFRGS, 1993.Y.Demazeau, "Distributed Artificial Intelligence & Multi - Agent Systems". Conferencia impartida en el X Simposio ...
Pierre-Yves Oudeyer Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Cognitive Science Home I am research director (DR1) atInriaCenter of University of Bordeaux, heading theFlowers team(seePhD students). I was also a research visitor atMicrosoft Research Montreal(2021-22), and permanent researcher in ...
announced today the acquisition of the artificial intelligence framework, machine learning models and intellectual property rights and patents of CloudMade, a developer of smart and innovative big data-driven automotive solutions.The acquisi...
A Theoretical Artificial Intelligence Framework for Electricity Generation Life Cycledoi:10.25046/AJ060535Ndala Yves MulongoErnest MnkandlaGrace Kanakana-KatumbaASTES Journal
To implement such precision medicine practitioners must stay abreast and cope with knowledge of increasing scope and complexity in real time and optimize their analytical processes to take into account the large number of logical rules that quickly arise.Blay, Jean-Yves...