Computed tomography (CT)14,15,16and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)17,18are commonly used for the detection of renal masses, but they have limited accuracy in estimating the probability of malignancy and degree of aggressiveness. Percutaneous biopsy is another way to obtain histology information bef...
Charalambous C, Fleszar K, Hindi KS (2010) A hybrid searching method for the unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem. In: Papadopoulos H, Andreou AS, Bramer M (eds) Artificial intelligence applications and innovations. Springer, Berlin, pp 230–237 Chapter Google Scholar Chaudhry IA, Khan...
In summary, our results answer RQ1 by showing that: (1) The majority (65.32%) of the reviewed studies were not for any specific application domain and only 24.28% targeted “product/service review”. (2) The dataset resources used in the sample were mostly domain-specific (84.44%) and do...
ARTIFICIAL intelligenceHINDI languageUNIVERSAL languageNATURAL language processingORAL communicationTRANSLATING & interpretingAI combined with NLP techniques has promoted the use of Virtual Assistants and have made people rely on them for many diverse uses. Conversational Agents are the most promis...
This repository is a curated collection of links to various courses and resources about Artificial Intelligence (AI) - Yuh-Dean/courses
artificial intelligenceEnvironmental sustainability is the rate of renewable resource harvesting, pollution control, and non-renewable resource exhaustion. Air pollution is a significant issue confronted by the environment particularly by highly populated countries like India. Due to increased population, the ...
Bio-inspired artificial intelligence algorithmRunge–Kutta methodSolar cells are crucial in aerospace industries as they provide a reliable and sustainable power source for spacecraft and satellites, enabling long-duration missions without relying on conventional fuel. This study investigates the propagation ...
This repository is a curated collection of links to various courses and resources about Artificial Intelligence (AI) - SkalskiP/courses
The digitalization of most businesses through the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) presents a great threat to many professionals asking themselves if their skill set will still be relevant in the future. The purpose of the research was to understand if AI is ready to replace...
Volta AF-Xplorer (VX) is an artificial intelligence (AI) system that analyzes intracardiac signals using electrocardiograms to recognize regions of spatial temporal dispersion and generate sequential maps as targets for ablation. Objective: We aim to assess the clinical feasibility and outcomes of the ...