Regulation of advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become increasingly important, given the associated risks and apparent ethical issues. With the great benefits promised from being able to first supply such technologies, safety precautions and societal consequences might be ignore...
Hopefully such cases will be rare, but the car will need to be designed with some specific principles in mind to guide its decision making. As Virginia Dignum put it when delivering her paper "Responsible Autonomy" at the recent International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) in...
Autonomous weapons technologies, which rely on artificial intelligence, are advancing rapidly and without sufficient public debate or accountability. Oversight of increased autonomy in warfare is critically important because this deadly technology is likely to proliferate rapidly, enhance terrorist tactics, ...
Generative chatbot AI is igniting the business sphere with new and efficient methods to convey and research information. This guide explains how artificial intelligence works and the major players behind it.
Artificial Intelligence Arms Race: DigitalOcean's Potential in the AI Cloud Market 在人工智能(AI)技术日益普及的背景下,2025年将是AI发展的关键转折点,越来越多的企业意识到利用AI提升生产力的重要性。近期,DigitalOcean作为一个专注于中小企业的云计算提供商,开始受到投资者的广泛关注,尤其是在当前AI云服务进行...
1. A new arms race Over the next five years we will most likely see powerful countries such as China, the United States, and India developing increasingly advanced weapons driven by artificial intelligence. "One country may invent highly intelligent drone swarms capable of inflicting significant des...
The United States has the world’s largest intelligence budget; the most popular hardware, software and technology companies; and the most advanced cyberwarfare capabilities, both offensive and defensive. I and other experts expectthese advantages to preserve U.S. technological leadership ...
Artificial intelligence (AI) promises to transform medicine, but the geographic concentration of AI expertize may hinder its equitable application. We analyze 397,967 AI life science research publications from 2000 to 2022 and 14.5 million associated citations, creating a global atlas that distinguishes...
"But you know there will also be an artificial intelligence arms race?" "Yes, but it's going to be different. Because in the previous arms races, you could develop plausible theories about how you might prevail. It's a totally new problem intellectually." ...
AI, Mr Lee insists, is not the same as artificial general intelligence: the true super brain is far away. Even so, the challenges this AI creates are huge. We will not stop it. But we may in the end conclude we have birthed a monster. ...