Artificial Intelligence and The Just War Proportionality PrincipleChapa, Joseph O.Existenz
Several months ago, Vladimir Putin said, “Artificial intelligence is the future, not only for Russia, but for all humankind … whoever becomes the leader in this sphere will become the ruler of the world.” Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its sister technologies will be the engine behind...
aCould an artificial intelligence become Self-Aware, and in order to preserve itself, wage a war against humans? 可能人工智能变得自已明白,并且为了保存自己,发起战争反对人?[translate]
Artificial intelligence research is now progressing rapidly. And this research can be discussed as short-term and long-term. Some short-term concerns relate to autonomous vehicles, from civilian drones and self-driving cars. For example, a self-driving car may, in an eme...
Artificial Intelligence : A REAL THREAT? [1)In the words of Professor Stephen Hawking,artificial intelligence will be "either the best, or the worst thing, erer to happen to humanity"[2]Technology of Tomorrow Forum wants to hear your thoughts on Al. Is it our greatest human achievement so ...
【题目】Artificial intelligence(Al in short人工智能)can giv e computers and machines ability(能力)to think and work lik e humans. AI scientists and engineers hav e mad e much progress in thi s field.Facial Recognition AI is rapidly catching up with th e human ability to read faces. Facial...
Artificial intelligence (AI) is an area of computer science that involves building smart machines that are able to perform tasks which usually require human intelligence.
Adding intelligence to non-playing characters (NPCs) The AI of most current games is pre-programmed NPCs; however, this is on the verge of changing. This will make them more unpredictable and more fun to interact with it. AI has several benefits to the game. The most notable is that, as...
intelligence born of our future to draw from. Let not bad intention cause you to disengage or become enraged by the mental war of this digital landscape, let the presence of such hostility embolden you to encourage others to seek and share information on any corruptions that might keep us ...
原文呈现Artificial Intelligence① : A REAL THREAT②?In the words of③ Professor Stephen Hawking, artificial intelligence will be“either the best, or the worst thing,ever to happen to humanity④". Technology of Tomorrow Forum wants to hear your thoughts on AI. Is it our greatest human achievem...