A repository of machine learning, data science, and artificial intelligence (AI) terms for individuals and businesses.
A machine with artificial general intelligence should be able to solve a wide variety of problems with breadth and versatility similar to human intelligence.[4] 【参考译文】具有人工通用智能的机器应该能够解决各种广泛的问题,其广度和多样性与人类智能相似。[4] 2. 技术 | Techniques AI research uses a...
人工智能(英语:artificial intelligence,缩写为AI)亦称智械、机器智能,指由人制造出来的机器所表现出来的智能。通常人工智能是指通过普通计算机程序来呈现人类智能的技术。该词也指出研究这样的智能系统是否能够实现,以及如何实现。同时,通过医学、神经科学、机器人学及统计学等的进步,常态预测则认为人类的很多职业也逐渐被...
artificial intelligence n.Abbr.AI 1.The ability of a computer or other machine to perform those activities that are normally thought to require intelligence. 2.The branch of computer science concerned with the development of machines having this ability. ...
To understand AI’s capabilities and abilities we need to recognize the different components and subsets of AI. Terms like Neural Networks, Machine Learning (ML), and Deep Learning, need to be define and explained. In general, Artificial intelligence (AI
Fig. 8.3.An artificial intelligence inception. (Source:www.wikipedia.com.) One of the significant advantages of Artificial Intelligence is the capabilities that make it possible for machines to learn from experience, adjust to new inputs, and perform human-like tasks. Most AI examples that we he...
intelligence, because with AI, we ask the mineral called silicon to perceive and to think – actions once thought exclusive to meat, and now possible with computation. We hope that by reading this wiki, you will find new ways of thinking about life and intelligence, just as we have by ...
Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the theory and development of computer systems that simulate human intelligence to make decisions and perform tasks.
The meaning of ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE is the capability of computer systems or algorithms to imitate intelligent human behavior; also, pluralartificial intelligences : a computer, computer system, or set of algorithms having this capability. How to use
人工智能无疑是当今人们热议的话题之一,它的英语对应表达方式是Artificial Intelligence, 简称AI。什么是人工智能(AI)? 人工智能就是通过机器尤其是计算机来模拟人类智慧的过程。《麻省理工学院技术评论》(MIT Technology Review)对AI的定义是 It's the quest to build machines that can reason, learn, and act ...