2024年3月13日,欧洲议会成员(MEPs, Members of European Parliament, 姑且抛却其部分成员屡次反华成见)通过了《人工智能法案》(Artifical Intelligence Act), 该法案被称为具有里程碑意义(landmark law)。 该法案被欧盟意大利议员称为“世界上第一部关于人工智能的具有约束力的法律,以降低风险,创造机会,打击歧视,并带...
自今年三月欧洲议会正式通过人工智能法案(Artificial Intelligence Act)以来,该法案的生效还需经历一系列严谨的审查与批准流程。这一流程涵盖了法律和语言专家的最终审查、立法会议的批准,以及官方公报公布满二十天的法定等待期。每一步都确保了法案的严谨性和合法性,为人工智能技术的健康发展奠定了坚实的基础。 人工智能...
自今年三月欧洲议会正式通过人工智能法案(Artificial Intelligence Act)以来,该法案的生效还需经历一系列严谨的审查与批准流程。这一流程涵盖了法律和语言专家的最终审查、立法会议的批准,以及官方公报公布满二十天的法定等待期。每一步都确保了法案的严谨性和合法性,为人工智能技术的健康发展奠定了坚实的基础。 人工智能...
欧盟目前仍然正在审议的 Artificial Intelligence Act(“AI Act”,以下或称为《人工智能法案》),一旦通过并生效,将成为世界上第一个对人工智能的统一规制规范。 W&W国际法律团队将针对《人工智能法案》进行要点解读分析,共分为两个系列,本文作为第一个系列是对欧盟Artificial Intelligence Act关于人工智能的定义、风险及...
W&W国际法律团队针对《人工智能法案》进行要点解读分析,共分为两个系列,上一篇推文对欧盟Artificial Intelligence Act关于人工智能的定义、风险及适用于所有人工智能系统的通用原则进行了分析;本文作为第二个系列,选择欧盟Artificial Intelligence Act关于高风险人工智能系统及其提供者具有特殊性的义务进行解读,供各位读者和出海...
Restaurant chain said the robot can make a batch of guacamole in half the time it takes human workers. Sep 16, 2024 Phone scammers are using artificial intelligence to mimic voices Scammers can use software to recreate a loved one's voice and make it sound like they're in distress. They...
January 2024 –In a ground-breaking move, on 8 December 2023, the European Parliament officially reached a provisional agreement with the Council on the AI act. With this agreement, the European Union has implemented the world's first comprehensive regulation on artificial intelligence, known...
EU AI Act: first regulation on artificial intelligence(europa.eu) (June 8, 2023, updated December 12, 2023) European Union Artificial Intelligence Act: An Overview, by Daniel S. Marks, Cole Hardy, Kristopher J. Chandler, and Shivdutt Trivedi of Benesch Friedlander Coplan & Aronoff LLP (March...
The Artificial Intelligence Act in Europe has been provisionally agreed upon by EU officials, setting up final negotiations and a vote next year.
Article Artificial Intelligence (Global Market), Billions of dollars wasted More than 80% of AI projects in the world fail, Putin When humanity realizes the threat from AI, the world will negotiate at the interstate level, The global market for AI plat