The meaning of ARTIFICIAL is made, produced, or done by humans especially to seem like something natural : man-made. How to use artificial in a sentence.
The meaning of ARTIFICIAL is made, produced, or done by humans especially to seem like something natural : man-made. How to use artificial in a sentence.
In May 1912, reports on successful attempts at artificial insemination hit the German papers. Over the following months, the topic was taken up in medical lectures, in the debates of medical associations, and in medical journals. The technique鈥攚hich had not much changed since the days of ...
a process in the breeding of animals and in the cultivation of plants by which the breeder chooses to perpetuate only those forms having certain desirable inheritable characteristics. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Ran...
Artificial insemination (AI) of swine is widely practiced in countries with intensive pig production. In Western Europe, more than 90% of the sows have been bred by AI for more than two decades (Gerrits et al., 2005; Vyt, 2007). When compared with natural mating, AI is a very useful...
Define artificial. artificial synonyms, artificial pronunciation, artificial translation, English dictionary definition of artificial. adj. 1. a. Made by humans, especially in imitation of something natural: an artificial sweetener that replaces sugar; a
Research the process of erythropoiesis, and explain the role erythropoietin plays. Why is this a popular "doping" drug for athletes? Why do endurance athletes use erythropoietin? Give some reasons why artificial insemination is a more natural and less invasive techniq...
人造的,人工的,假的made by humans, especially as a copy of sth natural 虚假的,不真挚的,矫揉造作的lacking true feelings; insincere 人为的;不自然的happening as a result of human action, not through a natural process 英英释义 artificial[ ,ɑ:ti'fiʃəl ] ...
The meaning of ARTIFICIAL is made, produced, or done by humans especially to seem like something natural : man-made. How to use artificial in a sentence.
InseminMate Home Insemination kits. We offer a range of high quality self insemination kits for Artificial insemination. Our Home Insemination kits are designed to be used for inseminating in the comfort of your home, perfect for single women, same-sex c