根据第二段"Unfortunately,other ancient languages,such as Minoan Linear A,have not been figured out primarily because no key that can assist translation efforts has been discovered yet."(不幸的是,另外一种古语言,比如Minoan Linear A,还没有弄明白,因为还没有发现可以帮助翻译它的解释文本。)可知,第二...
In addition to the gold mask,archaeologists uncovered bronzes (青铜器) and artifacts made from other materials such as bone.The six pits also contained an as-yet-unopened wooden box and a bronze container with owl-shaped patterning. More than 50,000 ancient artifacts have been found at Sanxi...
Note that this knowledge base article was created for the Data Center version of the product. Data Center knowledge base articles for non-Data Center-specific features may also work for Server versions of the product, however they have not been teste...
Most likely, you have an AMD 5000-series GPU. You can verify that by doing the LR menu command Help > System Info. Apple released a buggy graphics driver in Mac OS 14.4.1 and hasn't yet released a fix. The two workarounds are...
absl::Status CreateMetadataStore(const ConnectionConfig& config, const MigrationOptions& options, std::unique_ptr<MetadataStore>* result) { switch (config.config_case()) { case ConnectionConfig::CONFIG_NOT_SET: // TODO(b/123345695): make this longer when that bug is resolved. // Must specif...
Nearly all of England’s bonafide archaeological discoveries in recent years have been made by amateurs armed with metal detectors.
Why is my parcel trying to target this "ia32" that seems to not exist ? I am facing the same problem. Have you found a solution? Not yet. But I have a couple networks of people to keep working with on it. Several have been stumped already, but will circle back as they get free ...
The taxi drove off, leaving Funk on the Hoddeston lawn, surrounded by valises. Funk was thinking it more than merely odd that Barclay, for whose coaching he had come prepared to spend a month, had not met him as planned. He tried the screen door; it was hooked inside. “Hello, ...
Is it somehow possible to push that to Azure, and then use it as a normal npm package in our projects? If not - why is there such a limitation? I could not find anywhere anything regarding package.json/single file limitation, the only I found was for the ...
If you are printing to a non-PostScript device from Acrobat or Reader, content goes out as RGB and the printer's driver maps that to the specific n-colorants of the printer itself. Also there have been a number of posts from users printing to lowend printers where the native driver can...