One of the major features of Minecraft is the ability to find hidden treasures. Whether these items are commonly found in villages, dungeons, or rarer structures like ancient cities – there are countless possibilities in Minecraft. This gets amplified when using the Artifacts mod for Forge or Fa... modrinth下载
Additionally, a new underground campsite structure has been added. Mimics occasionally spawn in these campsites instead of a chests, which are dangerous enemies that attack players that get too close. Mimics always drop a random artifact when killed. Every item added by this mod has a unique m...
Can I still find artifacts if I add this mod to a world that has already been generated? Campsites and mimics will only spawn in chunks that were generated after you downloaded the mod. You will still be able to find artifacts in unopened chests in existing chunks. ...
我的世界变形模组游戏v1.19.20.106651 安卓版 安卓版/中文/ 我的世界163版v1.19.10.105182 最新版 中文/ PickCrafter(我的世界采矿内购免费版)v5.6.00 安卓版 安卓版/中文/ 我的世界MapWriter2模组V2.8.2 最新版 中文/ Minecraft Dungeons(我的世界地下城全DLC解锁版)v2.0 安卓版 安卓版/中文/腾讯...
I have also tried to run some games (in this case it's Minecraft) on my 60hz 1080p tv but it's even more worse on it (picture). Games like PUBG, CSGO and R6s are playable but the performance is half than promised. I can't adjust the hz on my monitor so I think I will hav...
I have also tried to run some games (in this case it's Minecraft) on my 60hz 1080p tv but it's even more worse on it (picture). Games like PUBG, CSGO and R6s are playable but the performance is half than promised. I can't adjust the hz on my monitor so I think I will hav...
378. Emerald Mod for Minecraft: PE com.razvanmcrafter.addon.emeraldmod Adds Emerald items and blocks to Minecraft Aug 5, 2017 379. Emoncms org.emoncms.myapps Open-source Emoncms dashboard viewer Aug 7, 2018