Okhaide Akhigbe, Daniel Amyot, Gregory Richards, "Information Technology Artifacts in the Regulatory Compliance of Business Processes: A Meta-Analysis", In Proceedings of the 6th International MCETECH Conference, LNBIP 209, Springer, pp.89-104, 2015...
4.An inaccurate observation, effect, or result, especially one resulting from the technology used in scientific investigation or from experimental error:The apparent pattern in the data was an artifact of the collection method. [Latinarte, ablative ofars,art; seeart1+factum,something made(from neut...
CloneOperationCommonResponse CloneOperationInformation CloneOperationState CloneOptions CloneStatistics CloneTestCaseOperationInformation CloneTestCaseOptions CloneTestCaseParams CloneTestPlanOperationInformation CloneTestPlanParams CloneTestSuiteOperationInformation CloneTestSuiteParams CodeChangeTrendItem CodeCoverageData Cod...
CloneOperationCommonResponse CloneOperationInformation CloneOperationState CloneOptions CloneStatistics CloneTestCaseOperationInformation CloneTestCaseOptions CloneTestCaseParams CloneTestPlanOperationInformation CloneTestPlanParams CloneTestSuiteOperationInformation CloneTestSuiteParams CodeChangeTrendItem CodeCoverageData Cod...
In my painting, I am carefully photographing the Plus Y footpad of the LM to document that, like us, the LM also moves easily on the surface. The footpad bounced upon landing and moved slightly forward. Engineers back on planet earth used this information to insure the LM landing system ...
In a museum, knowing the backstory of an artifact makes it more interesting. Similarly, in a UX project, you can make better decisions when you know the context of your UX artifacts like journey maps and wireframes.
The China Foundation for Cultural Heritage Conservation announced last week its cooperation with Intel in protecting the Great Wall of China. Intel will use its AI technology and drones to create HD images and 3D models of the cultural site, as well as gather necessary information for its renovat...
Zapier is the leader in workflow automation—integrating with thousands of apps from partners like Google, Salesforce, and Microsoft. Use interfaces, data tables, and logic to build secure, automated systems for your business-critical workflows across your organization's technology stack. Learn more....
This map can be a doozy in enterprise businesses that rely on interdependent applications that share data through a series of touchpoints. Ecosystem maps aren't just for technology. They include information, services, channels, and even people. They also include social systems when teams of ...
Information Scaffolding: Application to Technical Animation. Information Scaffolding is a user-centered approach to information design; a method devised to aid "everyday" authors in information composition. Information Scaffolding places a premium on audience-centered documents by emphasizing the ... CC ...