sail Sends the hero or heroine sailing, provided he or she has an ark[1] skill This item replaces one of the hero's skills with some other one[2] teleport Instantly teleports the hero to a town 🎁 An artifact that may give a "pleasant surprise" (may not all be the same cla...
(PaVteAr,)e, twhanteorl,,eatnhdanboul,tyalnednebgultyycleonl.ePgVlyAcoisl.uPsVedAais ausfieldmafsoarmfielmr, mfoarkminerg, imt eaaksinygtoitpeeaeslyotfof tpheeelPo-effletchteroPd-elfercotmrodtheefrsokmin.thEethsaknino.l Eisthuasnedoltios quusiecdkltyo dqruyictkhleypdarsytet-hleikpe...
Available online: /48223/pf0000373530 (accessed on 29 October 2022). 10. Giannakoulopoulos, A.; Pergantis, M.; Poulimenou, S.; Deliyannis, I. Good Practices for Web-Based Cultural Heritage Information Management for Europeana. Information 2021, 12, 179. [...
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Mar 13, 2017 396. Exceer Workout Trainer Pro org.grapentin.apps.exceer A simple, yet effective app for your daily workout May 21, 2017 397. Expense Tracker com.pedrocarrillo.expensetracker Track your...
Available online: (accessed on 29 October 2022). Giannakoulopoulos, A.; Pergantis, M.; Poulimenou, S.; Deliyannis, I. Good Practices for Web-Based Cultural Heritage Information Management for Europeana. Information 2021, 12, 179. [Google ...