Master RankOrigin IsleUpsurge: Bonepilesx15% Master RankHoarfrost ReachUpsurge: Bonepilesx15% Master RankSeliana Supply CacheUpsurge: Bonepilesx15% Master RankCoral HighlandsUpsurge: Bonepilesx15% Master RankWildspire WasteUpsurge: Bonepilesx15%
if you get to 110 and this is still uncompleted, anywhere (other than outside Halls of Valor) where there is a concentration of demons is a good farm spot, especially Ilidari
Found on Verity Isle in a shipwreck guarded by the thief Ella. Gauntlets of Fury: improves attack strength. Found in Buccaneer's Den after blasting open a boarded-up cave with a cannon. Legs of Sentri: increases jumping range. Found in a lake near Trinsic. Swamp boots: protects against ...
As of the most recent changes leading into the patch, as soon as you reach the isle this is a powerful option and only gets stronger over the course of the island's campaign, so check out our gear page to find out details on how to set yours up! Feral Druid Gear Page 7. ...