Articulation temporomandibulaire (ATM)AnatomyTemporomandibular jointDental occlusionArticular disk of the temporomandibular jointLateral pterygoid muscledoi:10.1016/j.kine.2015.10.001Michel DufourElsevier Masson SASKinésithérapie La Revue
MÉCANIQUE CRÂNIENNE ET MORPHOGENÈSE MANDIBULAIRE. ÉTUDE DES EFFETS D'UN « FORÇAGE » PAR DÉFORMATIONS I... Cela ouvre de nouvelles perspectives sur la croissance de l'articulation temporo-mandibulaire.MARIE-JOSÈPHE DESHAYESBiometrie Humaine et Anthropologie... MARIE-JOSÈ,P...
doi:10.1016/j.revsto.2016.10.005Lina-Granade, G.Truy, E.Ionescu, E.Garnier, P.Thai Van, H.Elsevier Masson SASRevue de Stomatologie, de Chirurgie Maxillo-faciale et de Chirurgie Orale
Using a 0.5T MR unit, a GRE T1 sequence is useful to identify lesions of the disk and detect bony changes. In addition, the tissues posterior to the disk can also be assessed on postcontrast images.P. SarratF. CheynetC. ChossegrosJ. OrthliebE. PhilipS. CarrassetO. Bayle...
Fifty (50)...Traité de médecine ostéopathique du crâne et de l'articulation temporomandibulairedoi:10.1016/B978-2-8101-0123-8.00015-2François Ricard
Articulation temporo-mandibulaireDislocationsFractures de mandibuleAnkyloseTemporomandibular jointLuxationsJaw fracturesAnkylosisSuperolateral disclocations of the temporomandibular joint are rare. They mostly occur after high-energy trauma and are frequently associated with fractures of the mandibular body. A ...
The mandibular condyle is a special structure. Its embryology and physiology provide to the TMJ a particular behavior that explains the occurrence of specific diseases. Condyle hyperplasia is one of these disorders. It can be explained by a dysregulation of the prechondroblasts cells layer within ...
The goal of our work was to make an update about disk surgery.doi:10.1016/j.revsto.2016.07.014Potier, J.Maes, J.-M.Nicot, R.Dumousseau, T.Cotelle, M.Ferri, J.Elsevier Masson SASRevue de Stomatologie, de Chirurgie Maxillo-faciale et de Chirurgie Orale...
However, a third partner may alter this relationship, such as bruxism, or more generally oral parafunctions, trauma or an interventionist practitioner.doi:10.1016/j.revsto.2016.07.006Orthlieb, J.D.Ré, J.P.Jeany, M.Giraudeau, A.Elsevier Masson SASRevue de Stomatologie, de Chirurgie Maxillo-...