This bachelor thesis describes the use of articles with nouns in English, focusing on proper nouns. Theoretical part deals with classification of nouns, structure of noun phrases and distribution of determiners. Using of British National Corpus and Corpus of Contemporary American English, it describes...
We use the zero article:我们使用零冠词 with proper nouns, i e. the names of people and places (e. g.)专有名词,即人名和地名(例如Johannesburg)。 with plural countable nouns referring to things in general (e. g.)复数可数名词指一般事物(例如birthday parties)。 with uncountable nouns referring...
ArticleUseinOtherLanguages •Asian,Slavic,Africanlanguages –Donothaveanarticlesystem •Arabic,Welshlanguages –Onlyusedefinitearticles •French,Spanishlanguages –Separatearticlesaccordingtogender •Greeklanguage –Usesarticleswithpropernouns •Mayusearticlesassuffixesratherthanindividualword Project •Gave...
( e.g. the top).· when we refer to something unique ( e.g. ___).· for superlatives ( e.g. ___).· for known things that do not need to be introduced or explained ( e.g. ___).· for certain idioms ( e.g. ___).We use the zero article:· with proper nouns, i. ...
This section discusses how the 3 types of articles (a/an, the, 0) apply to Proper Nouns. B. PROEPR NOUN: INDEFINITE ARTICLES (“a/an”) APPLICATION 1. “a”: a person of certain nationality · a Chinese · an American 2. “a”: an unspecified person sharing a name with a group...
Proper names with and without definite articles: preliminary results was published in Proper Names versus Common Nouns on page 121.
doi:10.1515/iral.1968.6.1-4.361Ka?u?aHenrykWalter de Gruyter, Berlin / New YorkIRAL - International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language TeachingKałuza, H. 1968. Proper nouns and articles in English. IRAL 6 (4) : 361-366.
Thesetofallcars Car1 Car2 Car3 Acar Car1AcarCar2Car3 Aversusan •Aandanarefunctionallyequivalent.•Aisusedwhenthenextword(noun,adjective,adverb)beginswithaconsonantsound:––––abookafinedayaveryfastrunneraeuphoniousmusicalinstrument •Anisusedwhenthenextwordbeginswithavowelsound:–anowl–anunusual...
“the” and zero-article can be used with either singular or plural nounsD. Articles are similar to AdjectivesArticles function like Adjectives, and could be regarded as such.E. Abbreviations Below1. “an/an”: Indefinite Article applies
article usage with proper nouns as well as the difference between a and an. At the very end of the handout is an exercise that you can do to test your understanding. Countability Countable nouns refer to people, places, or things that can be counted (one dollar/two dollars, one...