to be overrun with contaminated chicken from China Vaccine fraud exposed: Measles and mumps making a huge comeback because vaccines are designed to fail, say Merck virologists New USDA rule allows hidden feces, pus, bacteria and bleach in conventional poultry Battle for humanity nearly lost:...
Plus, unlock access to free chapters of my upcoming books, multiple e-books, and my stock analysis excel. All for FREE! Articles This page shares my best articles to read on topics like value investing, human behaviour, business analysis, and more. If you wish to receive these and all ...
In war language, this is one of the top generals of the enemy who didn’t decide to commit suicide, but rather he decided to join the other side because he says the other side is going to win and it’s obvious. This could be the catalyst that TSLA needs to really lift off out of...
A recent and interesting development in cybersecurity is that the bad guys have started to catch up with technology; in particular, they have started utilizing Deepfake tech to commit crime; for example,they have used AI to imitate the voice of a CEO in order to defraud a company of $243...
They are angry that women choose not to sleep with them and several incels have gone on to commit murders of those women. They also harbour a hatred for the men that they see as stealing their opportunities to pursue the women that they wish to sleep with. Elliot Rodger murdered six ...
Doctors who commit sex abuse, fraud, murder and identity impersonation now accepted as normal by a corrupt cancer establishment 8/5/2016 - The following are true stories. In California, a doctor who had just completed an examination on a female patient, put his hand down her blouse, pulled ...
Clearly, unlike previous judicial interpretations, the scope of the objectives of the Anti-Telecom and Network Fraud Law is expanded from “people who intend to commit a crime” to those who have a law-abiding obligation. By creating universal obligations enabling extensive protection, criminal legis...
The bankers need to turn the settlers here against us so they can be a party to the fraud without their knowledge. Their media constantly vilifies us. By design their corporate band councils mismanage our money, stash it away and keep us in dire living conditions. Indian Affairs sends in...
These words all refer to a state of being uninterested in the things around you. The most common word for this is boredom. Boredom is usually used to describe a temporary feeling that comes from a specific activity or state.There's nothing to do at the cabin - I might die of boredom....
Chemical company BASF noticed that none of their direct suppliers were affected, and believe they know why: the rigorous sustainability standards that BASF and its suppliers commit to, together. Read more Sustainable coconut farming is transforming lives A BASF partnership has helped make the world...