Top 10 Social Media Statistics Every Marketer Should Know - Social Media Marketing Marketing on Amazon: A Major Rival for Google? - Digital Strategy What’s the Importance of Higher Education on the Economy? - Digital Management and Leadership 8 Digital Marketing Trends to Watch out for in...
11/12/2016 - Children spend the majority of their time in school, so it's only natural that attentive parents make a point of ensuring that these are safe and productive places. Many parents focus on aspects such as the school's security, its teachers and its academic statistics, but few...
Winnebago County’s Chief Information Officer, Gus Gentner, recently stated, “Statistics let us know that the average ransomware incident costs $8.1 million and 287 days to recover. We cannot comment on the accuracy of that statement but, if correct, it would put the total cost at more than...
How well do you think you're prepared to enter the workforce? Statistics from Accenture say that in the Class of 2016, 77% of graduates believed their colleges prepared them well. Read more... 19 March, 202015 minutes readArticles
12/3/2015 - Mainstream media clamor for mandatory vaccines, ignoring official statistics that show the drug is more dangerous than the disease. Should government force parents to vaccinate their children? The deaths of more than 100 children have been officially linked to receiving a measles ...
Johnson, K., Jung, E., Snow, G., Murray, S., & Bonk, C. J. (2024). Student perceptions of weekly synchronous team quizzes in an online statistics course.Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 40(3), 1-18.
Johnson, K., Jung, E., Snow, G., Murray, S., & Bonk, C. J. (2024). Student perceptions of weekly synchronous team quizzes in an online statistics course.Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 40(3), 1-18.
. We exposed how few students of color attended UC by juxtaposing the racial statistics on campus with the disproportionate number of Chicanos/as and Black people—as opposed to White people—killed on the front lines in Vietnam. As a student body vice-president, I helped lead a strike ...
Study on the Development of Community Parenting Education in the Perspective of a Learning Society Qi-Ying Zhu Parental education, also known as family education, is the education of parents, and belongs to the category of adult education, comprising two aspects: on the one hand, it is the ed...
Based on the concept of competency-based teaching, a task-driven teaching approach is adopted in the realistic teaching of the Statistics course to improve students’ competence. This paper collects data on the evaluation of students’ influence factors on teaching methods and teaching effects, and ...