Deep patent portfolios help drugmakers block market entry by potential biosimilars, but many biologic patents logically cannot be valid barriers to competitive entry. W. Nicholson Price II Arti K. Rai Patents02 Aug 2019 2Q19—Biotech funding stagnates Laura DeFrancesco Data Page02 Aug 2019 ...
Number 1: In the effort to find treatments for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and related conditions, Celltrion Healthcare’s monoclonal antibody has shown promise in a phase 1 trial. To read all of these articles and more, visit
Choose Specialty Allergy Autoimmune Diseases Biosimilars COVID-19 Cannabidiol (CBD) Cardiology Compounding Continuous Glucose Monitoring Dermatology Diabetes Digestive Health Endocrinology Eye Health Generics HIV Headache and Migraine Immunization Infectious Disease Influenza Medical Devices Mental and Behavioral Healt...
Specialty Area Biosimilars CardiorenalmetabolicCardiovascularChronic Kidney DiseaseDiabetesHeart FailureType 1 Diabetes DermatologyAlopeciaAtopic DermatitisPsoriasis Gastroenterology HematologyALL/AMLCLL/SLLGVHDHemophiliaMultiple MyelomaMyelodysplastic SyndromesMyeloproliferative NeoplasmsNon-Hodgkin LymphomaRare Blood HepatologyLiv...
The company offers year-round educational services on the conditions, using this month, in particular, to guide patients to needed resources. CHMP of the European Medicines Agency issues positive opinion on 2 aflibercept biosimilars ByHattie Hayes ...
(PsA), ankylosing spondylitis (AS), psoriasis, Crohn disease (CD), ulcerative colitis (UC), hidradenitis suppurativa (HS), and uveitis. The main patent for the reference adalimumab (Humira) expired in 2016, and adalimumab ...
However, the overall expansion of the market for biosimilars and biobetters is anticipated to dramatically increase the demand for contract development and manufacturing support. Service providers that hold the potential of providing cost as well as quality advantages are set to make inroads and grow ...
“Singapore’s success in its high adoption rate of biosimilars hinges on a multi-pronged approach, similar to what is practiced in the United States (US) and several European countries. In addition, Singapore’s efficient health...