Philipp Heuberger's personal site where he writes about bootstrapping, business and full-stack software development with a focus on serverless.
Information & Software Technology Wohlin C (2005). Most cited journal articles in software engineering. Information and Software Technology, 47, 955. Follow us on: IRJLIS, Facebook, TwitterWohlin C., (2005), Most cited journal articles in software engineering, Information and Software ...
Great collection of unique software development, technology research, and engineering articles, tips, and how-to.
Design World makes it easy for engineers to stay informed with a variety of articles about 3D CAD software and CAD engineering.
On a slope, along the banks of a river, among trees, or on an expansive hillside, each territory serves as a living testament to its local traditions. Through its architecture, the experimentation, appreciation, and use of certain materials, construction techniques, local crafts, and site-specif...
Based on 50% usage as an indication of a typical move, “Move a, Step 4: Stating the results of the study” was conventional, along with “Step 2: Stating the purpose of the study”, for which only chemical engineering had a rate slightly below 50%. In addition, “Step 3: ...
A step-by-step guide on how to drive a scrum project, prioritize and organize your backlog into sprints, run the scrum ceremonies and more, all in Jira. Try this tutorial Agile product management Article All the things you need to know about being a product manager (but were afraid to ...
Software development articles, Project Management, Programming, Java, .NET, UML, Agile, Scrum, Lean, Kanban, Test Driven development,Databases, Software Analysis, software design, Quality Assurance, Software Process Improvement (CMMI), Software Developm
Architecture, Engineering, and Construction All Industries > Solutions Data Center/Cloud Laptops/Desktops Augmented and Virtual Reality Multi-Display Rendering Metaverse - Omniverse Graphics Virtualization Engineering Simulation Industries Financial Services Consumer Internet Healthcare Higher Edu...
Area Query Processing Based On Gray Code In Wireless Sensor Networks,Chunyu Ai, Yueming Duan, Mingyuan Yan, Jing He2012Kennesaw State University Design And Validation Of Bending Test Method For Characterization Of Miniature Pediatric Cortical Bone Specimens,Carolyne Albert, John Jameson, Gerald F. Har...