Out in Force: The New Struggle Against Sexually Oriented Policing By Elijah Mercer Since the inception of the American crime fighting force, law enforcement has struggled to prevent discrimination against minority populations. While “racial profiling” (also known as “racially biased policing”)[1]...
Prominent theories of intergroup conflict often distinguish between different types of bias, varying in their degree and prevalence (Noon 2018). Direct and blatant forms of bias, such as overt discrimination, are thought to be espoused by a small minority of the population. In contrast, more “...
Racism and oppression - articles and links on eliminating racial discrimination, sexism, homophobia, anti-Semitism and its internalized forms
Critical Race Fury: The School Board Wars Are Getting Nasty in Texas A loud minority of parents is making life miserable for Texas school officials—and shouting down the kids who speak in favor of lessons about the history and persistence of racial discrimination. ...
“Financial institutions in Latin America are being threatened by a banking trojan called Mekotio (aka Melcoz). That’s according tofindingsfrom Trend Micro, which said it recently observed a surge in cyber attacks distributing the Windows malware. ...
The Myth of Obama's Post-Racial Presidency: Why Barack Obama's Election Didn't End Racial Inequality in America By Breanna M. Bacon The presidential campaign of Barack Obama was met with enthusiasm and controversy. If you were alive and cognizant at the time, you understood the importance and...
Exploring Racial Discrimination in Mortgage Lending: A Call for Greater Transparency DFS Issues Guidance to Life Insurers on Use of “External Data” in Underwriting Decisions Hiring Amazon scraps secret AI recruiting tool that showed bias against women ...
2005 Volume 1 IJRR is fully indexed at: IJRR - A Free Site The Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion is a free site. To access published articles, you will need to be a registered user of IJRR - registration is easy and free!
announced to members that although only 1 woman physician had been president of the organization in its 137-year history, “The number of outstanding, qualified female candidates is more than adequate to fill every open surgical leadership position in America today. The problem is not the pipeline...
games in India has sparked excitement among players looking for ways to combine strategy with chance. One platform standing out in 2024 is Daman Games, which has rapidly become a go-to choice for many players. While success in these games largely depends on understanding patterns and honing ...