Recent years have seen a transformative shift in these trends, with a growing focus on flexibility, biophilic design, and sustainability. These three approaches are reshaping the way spaces are designed—not just in terms of aesthetics, but also...
Are faith and feminism compatible? 8 March 2024 This International Women’s Day, Lauren Windle, author of Notes on Feminism unpacks what true feminism means, exploring how that matches up with Christianity Michael Gungor’s deconstruction: Can we keep the baby when we throw out the bathwater?
4. This competition is held each year to support the universal ban on nuclear weapons. In 2017, on the 75th anniversary of the 1945 bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, which claimed the lives of over 100,000 people, the United Nations adopted the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons...
Notes on ‘Mother Night’ Elissa Goodrich On Depression Considered as Acephalic Melancholia Justin Clemens Deakin University On Dialogism: Cutting and Stitching Anna Gibbs University of Western Sydney, Nepean On the Cusp: Radical Ethics and the Figure of the Boy in Christos Tsiolkas’ Dead Eu...
had an air of a new and modern feeling. Until the 1950s, pornography were still very limited in production. Open sexual expressions were permitted in novels and manga, but a strict control was applied on photographs and films. During World War II, pornographic materials were banned altogether....
Effects Of Caffeine And Vitamin E On Wisconsin Fast Plant, Sarah Ferguson Wright State University The Experience Of White Captives Among The Natives Of The Old Northwest Territory Between 1770 And 1850, Analucia Lugo Purdue University Reading Beyond Modern Feminism: Kate Chopin’S The Awakening,...
either in Arabic or in English. However, there are some subtle differences in how these themes are expressed in the magazines. This fact clearly illustrates the need for a more nuanced discussion on gender and sexuality in the Middle East in order to minimise the perpetuation of stereotypical co...
Shakespeare’s comedies, at first glance, seem to uniformly end on a positive note, with the fulfillment of desires, the overcoming of obstacles, and the victory over malevolent forces. In Twelfth Night and Measure for Measure, however, this...Read Article » ...
and she is only now getting her due as a composer.<BR> This book takes advantage of new and often surprising biographical research on the Loder family as a whole and its four main figures. It uses them to illustrate several aspects of music history: the position of professional musicians ...
In this massacre, Marc Lepine burst into an engineering class, forced the men and women in the room to stand on opposite sides and shoot all six women there. He then rampaged for a further twenty minutes, killing eight more women before killing himself. His motive was to “fight feminism...