ICRSE organises thematic workshops on sex work and mental health ICRSE is launching a series of webinars exploring mental health. The thematic sessions webinars are open to all sex workers’ rights activists involved in organisations members of ICRSE...more Webinar | 23 April 2021 £2k a nigh...
Mental Health 2021, Vol. 13 No. 01 Mental Illness Stigma in Criminal Justice: An Examination of Stigma on Juror Decision-Making By Jordan Termeer Negative stereotypes associated with mental illnesses can lead to discrimination towards those with these illnesses through a process of stigmatization (Li...
Browse through our index of articles that provide information about common mental health topics and explore healthy ways to move forward.
Madalyn Parker, a web developer in Ann Arbor, Michigan, emailed her colleagues to say she’d be using two sick days to focus on her mental health. The company’s CEO, Ben Congleton, responded by thanking her for helping “cut through the stigma of mental health.” Parker shared his po...
Mental Health 2021, Vol. 13 No. 01 Mental IllnessStigma in Criminal Justice: An Examination of Stigma on Juror Decision-Making ByJordan Termeer Negative stereotypes associated withMental Illnesses can lead to discrimination towards those with these illnesses through a process of stigmatization (Link ...
5 Effects That Migraines Can Have On Your Mental Health Migraines are so much more than a painful headache. Those that experience migraines on a regular basis often report that they have a detrimental impact on their mental health. Perception ...
Winden Rowe is not only our founder and director but a prolific writer on all things trauma-related. She has aspirations to influence population health awareness through her writing and her work with other organizations. Her goal in writing is to break the stigma that is the undercurrent of our...
The Holistic Approach to Psychosis What if it were possible to: Remove the stigma associated with the word schizophrenia and help bring peace of mind to those with mental health …Continued The Big A-Z List Of Complementary & Alternative Therapies ...
‘Expansion microscopy’ turns ten: how a tissue-swelling method brought super-resolution imaging to the masses ‘One of the last taboos’: breaking the stigma of substance-use disorders in academia Previouspage page1 page2 page3 … page131 ...
Obesity leads to DNA alterations that affect gene activity and linger after weight loss, a finding that researchers say could help reduce stigma around the disease Sarah Kuta November 20, 2024 New 3D Bioprinter Could Build Replicas of Human Organs, Offering a Boost for Drug Discovery ...