It is well known that exposure to more green spaces and cleaner air has profound impacts on human health and psychology. This kind of exposure has been linked to reduced stress, improved cognitive function, and enhanced creativity. These sanctuaries offer relief, allowing the human to reconnect wi...
articles on ethics & malpractice; fallacies & pitfalls in psychology; forgiveness resources; psychology laws & licensing boards; falacies & pitfalls in psychology; informed consent; psychology laws & licensing boards in Canada & the United States; resources for U.S. troops, veterans, their families...
On the one hand, we have the greatest capacities for empathy, communication, friendship, romance, complex social structures, and altruism. On the other, we have the greatest capacities for shaming, emotional cruelty, sadism, envy, jealousy, discrimination and other forms of dehumanization, and whol...
A New Theory of Human Intelligence viaTEDx> Intelligence A new kind of smart viaAPA Monitor> Intelligence Confessions of a Late Bloomer viaPsychology Today> Intelligence In Defense of Intelligent Testing viaScientific American> Intelligence Finding Creativity on IQ Tests ...
m getting married. Meet my new baby, my first grandchild, my new wife. We’re in Tanzania now. In London. In Croatia for the summer. In school. In love. Here we are at the beach. The mountains. The zoo. Look, I’m on the far right. In the middle. There, I’m on the left...
articles on ethics & malpractice; fallacies & pitfalls in psychology; forgiveness resources; psychology laws & licensing boards; falacies & pitfalls in psychology; informed consent; psychology laws & licensing boards in Canada & the United States; resources for U.S. troops, veterans, their families...
The Psychology of Composition (The Unconscious Metaphor) Grant Caldwell The Representation of War in Museums Kate McCulloch University of Melbourne The Riddle of the Saviour and the Swallow Anamaria Beligan The Rooflet & Other Poems Marilyne Bertoncini The Sacred Foundation Josaia McNamara Th...
Take the psychology niche which is becoming popular on X. Many lawyers have tried to promote their business but didn’t find much success. The psychologist channels offering insight in mental health are growing popular. After tons of entertainment, your brain needs little relaxation. Or how much...
Humans are interesting. Brains are interesting. Thinking is fun. Here are some cool reads both here on Blifaloo and other websites about human psychology. Last update: January 2025 (fixed broken links) The following serves as an index to all the psychology-related articles on this site. Topics...
Unsure where to start? Use this collection of links to our articles and videos to learn about some principles of human psychology and how they relate to UX design. Accessibility and Inclusivity: Study Guide September 17, 2023| Article: 4minutes to read ...